EYFS: Around two-thirds of pupils at good level

Proportion of youngest pupils hitting development goals rises slightly but is still below pre-pandemic levels of achievement
30th November 2023, 12:29pm


EYFS: Around two-thirds of pupils at good level

EYFS: Less than two thirds of pupils at expected level

The proportion of 4- and 5-year-olds judged to have reached expected levels of learning at the end of Reception continues to remain low compared with pre-pandemic levels, government data has revealed.

Around two-thirds of pupils (67.2 per cent) were marked as with a good level of development across all 17 early years foundation stage learning goals at the end of the 2022-23 academic year, compared with more than seven in 10 (71.8 per cent) in the last full year before the pandemic in 2018-19.

However, there was a slight year-on-year increase in the number of younger pupils reaching a good level compared with 2022-21, when 65.2 per cent achieved the goals.

The early learning goals cover a range of developmental milestones including maths, literacy, physical development and communication and language.

The data shows the proportion of disadvantaged Reception-age pupils meeting good levels rose slightly compared with last year, with just over half achieving all 17 goals (51.6 per cent), compared with 49.1 per cent in 2021-22.

However, the proportion of pupils on free school meals (FSM) achieving good levels remained far below their peers, with more than seven in 10 (71.5 per cent) of non-FSM pupils reaching all 17 goals last year.

The data also reveals that pupils living in the most deprived areas scored lower in the EYFS, with those who live in the 10 per cent most deprived areas almost 10 percentage points lower than those in the least deprived areas (58.1 per cent and 67.2 per cent respectively).

Low levels in literacy

The EYFS assessment is based on teachers’ observations of their pupils covering a wide range of learning and development.

Pupils scored the lowest levels in the literacy learning area again in 2022-23, with just under seven in 10 at the expected level (69.7 per cent), although achievement slightly improved compared with last year when 68 per cent of pupils achieved the goal.

The data shows that younger pupils continue to achieve well in physical development and expressive arts and design, while relatively fewer achieve the expected levels in areas such as maths and communication and language, as well as literacy.

Today’s results are the second to be published since changes to the EYFS were introduced in September 2021, which removed the “exceeding” category so pupils could only be marked as “at” or “below” the expected standard.

Covid recovery

The DfE said the slightly improved levels of achievement show signs of a “gradual recovery from the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic”.

But MPs recently warned that the government must take “faster and more effective recovery” action to protect the prospects of the youngest generations following the impact of the pandemic on their learning and development.

Schools were not required to complete the EYFS profile in 2021 and 2020, because of the Covid crisis.

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