The Incarnation - Superheros pptQuick View

The Incarnation - Superheros ppt

I use this ppt to attempt to convey the concept of the incarnation - hopefully easy to understand when you see the ppt! It includes discussion opportunities and is based upon Living Difference - the Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire and the IOW. Please leave a comment. Thank you.
Angels - pictures for sorting - SEN resource/nursery/infantQuick View

Angels - pictures for sorting - SEN resource/nursery/infant

I created this resources to be used printed off and as a sorting activity. Students could sort the pictures by which ever category their group decided. Hence this also covers speaking and listening as it provides plenty of opportunity for lots of discussion. They sorted them into the material the angels were made from such as stone, glass, metal but the other group sorted them into 'with halo&', &';without halo' which was interesting. This resource could also be used as a springboard to an art/dt activity. Please leave comments.
Forms of TransportQuick View

Forms of Transport

Match, name of guess the mode of transport. A simple powerpoint which you can use in many different ways. (Eg: Listening and guessing which mode of transport; looking and matching a printout of the slide from a choice of two, three or more, etc). Please leave a review, thank you.
The Multi-Sensory British Values Ideas BookQuick View

The Multi-Sensory British Values Ideas Book

A collection of ideas for use in schools for all ages and abilities (7 pages). Use this as a springboard for other ideas or just as it stands. It includes activity ideas for all the senses (touch, taste, smell, listening, looking) and includes those all important ideas of democracy, values, fairness, choices, individual liberty, united choices, respect, cultural and fairness. It omits faiths and rule of law. Faiths can be covered in religious education and rule of law when discussing class rules. Cross curricular links with PSHE and Geography.
What to teach phonics to a mixed year groups - cross phase/conglomerate classesQuick View

What to teach phonics to a mixed year groups - cross phase/conglomerate classes

14 weeks worth of phonics planning which can be taught to a mixed class of Early years, Y1, Y2 and extension. This resource is based on Letters and Sounds and you will need the book to find the resources listed as page numbers. My document combines the different year groups onto one page and tells you which letters to teach, blend and segment, which read and write captions and sentences to use, recognition and recall of previous phase and the associated words to learn for each phase per week. I created this resource whilst I was teaching in a Unit with all Infant ages and also a bright child - one class and one teacher! Hope it's useful to you too as it took a long time to put together.
Angels - a study resource powerpoint for an RE topic on AngelsQuick View

Angels - a study resource powerpoint for an RE topic on Angels

This powerpoint has been created for 7-14 year olds who have the ability to work in pairs and small groups within the whole class setting to research using a laptop or to discuss in groups and debate across the class. It is a springboard resources asking pupils to consider simple questions about angels and to use their research and enquiry skills to further deepen their knowledge of historical significance and current social thinking about these divine beings. There are opportunities for class, paired, group and individual activities with ideas for additional activities at the end of the powerpoint. The discerning teacher will be able to also add her own ideas to this powerpoint.
Animal - Short term memory game - powerpoint - based on Kim's GameQuick View

Animal - Short term memory game - powerpoint - based on Kim's Game

Simple to use. Show the child the screen with 4 pictures. Click to the next slide which is blank. Can the child recall the 4 pictures? Let the child guess. Show the answer. Tips 1: always support your child in naming each animal, as this will increase vocabulary. Tip 2: you may want to be in control of the mouse. Tip 3: wait until the child you are working with is happy to move on to the blank screen, when he/she thinks they have memorised the pictures. Tip 4: if the child is really struggling, try visualisation, verbal rehearsal, and making up a story of the animals in order (links). This may help recall.
Handwriting Practice - a useful order in which to teach the lettersQuick View

Handwriting Practice - a useful order in which to teach the letters

If you're a new teacher starting out, or even a seasoned teacher, have you ever wondered which order to start teaching children their letters? This useful guide gives tips, advice, letter order, words they can write as they build their skills and also gives a brief guide to the prerequisites needed before beginning to teach handwriting.
Behaviour management - achieving tasks in exchange for rewardsQuick View

Behaviour management - achieving tasks in exchange for rewards

Do you have a child in your class who refuses to work or who avoids everything that looks like 'a job' or 'a task'. This table top reward chart that rewards the child in school and at home (if appropriate) is sure to please the tricky child. Full instructions are provided with examples of rewards and hints on how to work with parents are included. Surely working with parents will help to close the attainment gap and getting your child on side to work can only be a good thing. Try out this resource. You won't be disappointed.
ChinaQuick View


A very generalised overview of China - a starting point for a topic about China. Unfortunately the link to the National Anthem never worked so you would need to add it yourself or play it separately which is what I did each time I used it. Please comment.
Marcel MarceauQuick View

Marcel Marceau

I am dressing up as Marcel Marceau including make-up. They will watch ppt and TAs interpret (the Mime doesn't speak) Then with a bowl of selected fruit and pictures with the French fruit words on, Marcel Marceau will Mime eating it. The students have to guess which one and name it IN FRENCH (They may win points). mime - orange - peeling it, grapes - small, lemon - sour, banana - the peel, apple - the way it is turned in the hand. Drink: a can of coke (shake it up & open it), water - drink from tap! Wine - drink from bottle! They will LOVE the naughty Marcel. Please comment!
Mother and ChildQuick View

Mother and Child

ppt Mother and Child - for discussion of relationship between mother and child and for moving on to relationship between Madonna and Child. Uploaded MTP which has been adapted from examples of planning in Living Difference. Please leave a comment.
Madonna and ChildQuick View

Madonna and Child

Simple ppt I made with images of madonna and child as an inspiration for my special needs class to create their own image of madonna and child in textiles. Prior learning involved ppt (see my other resource) looking at photos of mother and baby and talking about the relationship there and using key vocab - eg trust, care, love etc.