Split digraphs: phonic powerpointsQuick View

Split digraphs: phonic powerpoints

We have been introducing split digraphs in Reception, with some amazing results. I wanted to use the words in context in simple sentences and captions, and use some fun pictures, so I made these powerpoints. The children enjoyed circling the split digraphs on the smartboard. Feel free to adapt, as I know some words can be tricky eg is it a true split digraph in sound? Phonics is a bit of a mine field, but I wanted to create something new, which I found useful. Hope it helps you too!
What does God look like?Quick View

What does God look like?

I made this powerpoint to introduce the idea of God. The children found it thought provoking, and it led to creative writing, drawing, dance, music etc all aiming to interpret what the idea of God meant to them. Feel free to adapt.
Babies and KrishnaQuick View

Babies and Krishna

For Reception, I have planned to introduce Hinduism during the second half of the Summer Term. I wanted to introduce Krishna as a special baby for Hindus, and link this to the concept that all babies are special, and also to Jesus as a special baby for Christians. I hope I have got all the ideas right! Feel free to adapt as you wish. I have used pictures from a variety of sources.
Protection: Raksha BandhanQuick View

Protection: Raksha Bandhan

I made this Powerpoint to help me introduce the concept of protection to Year 1. It leads into the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan. I have never been able to find anything similar before for this age group, so I hope you find it useful. Please check spellings and facts, I have just done my best as a lay person!
Journeys in the NativityQuick View

Journeys in the Nativity

I made this powerpoint to introduce the different journeys made in the Nativity stories in the Bible. The children really connected to the idea of stars, and did a huge amount of work and research on this.
ChangeQuick View


I made this powerpoint to introduce the concept of change. The children can then consider how Jesus changed people's lives. Feel free to adapt to your needs.