Feelings DisplayQuick View

Feelings Display

A simple display using Mr Men. Children put their pegs on the picture each day to show how they are feeling - they seem to like it!
The Highway ManQuick View

The Highway Man

This was used for an observed lesson to help the children engage in the Highway Man poem. They had heard the poem several times in the week and begun some work on narrative poetry. I think I found the video on YouTube - the children really enjoyed this bit. I also hid a Hot Seat flame (on the IWB resource) in some of the children's literacy books so they knew who would be starting off in the hot seat for the development section in each group.
The Virtual Easter ExperienceQuick View

The Virtual Easter Experience

This resource has been made by specialist RE primary school teachers. It explains the Easter Story from a Christian perspective looking at the story from the view of 4 people: A servant at the Last Supper, Peter after denying Jesus, the Centurion at the crucifixion, Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb and Peter seeing the risen Jesus. It explains why Easter is so important to Christians. This resource has been made for a Y5/6 audience.