Zombie Apocalypse!Quick View

Zombie Apocalypse!

This is an edited version of 'Deadinburgh BioMaths' uploaded by BBSRC. I've added to it to make it more relevant to the topic of microbes. I ran this over the course of 2 double lessons and my mixed ability Yr8 class loved it! In order to stop the zombies we need to know if the microbe is a bacteria, a virus or a fungus! This is my first upload, please comment with suggestions for improvements.
Colour code!Quick View

Colour code!

Can you crack the code using colour filters? Project the powerpoint slide and it looks like a random mixture of letters. Hold up a coloured filter (red, yellow and blue) and secret messages appear! Quite a nice activity that can be used to elicit discussion when talking about colour.
GCSE chemistry escape roomQuick View

GCSE chemistry escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr11 organic chemistry revision (AQA), should take around an hour for a student to complete. Use your skill as an organic chemist to crack this difficult escape room based on actual labs in Bayer, all photos used with kind permission of Bayer. Content is on functional groups, fractional distillation, naming hydrocarbons, chemical tests. Good luck, you’re going to need it! If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/603ff8cf624c3e0d2ec30e63 For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
How does the mass of a soda can change?Quick View

How does the mass of a soda can change?

I get one of the students to accurately weigh a can of soda (to 2 decimal places). I then get them to open the can and weigh it every 5 min or so throughout the lesson. This allows a good talking point about how often you should take a measurement. The students seem to really engage with this real life example of particle theory. There is a lot of opportunity for getting the students to find problems with the diagram and improve on it demonstrating higher order thinking.
Virtual science escape room KS3 revisionQuick View

Virtual science escape room KS3 revision

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr7 science revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. Topics include cells, forces, states of matter. If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/6032741f8020020d2daa8050 For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
Virtual science escape roomQuick View

Virtual science escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr8 science revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. Based on the British Antarctic Survey. Topics include acids, light, cells, photosynthesis. If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/6032742ad9d6700d28de892d For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
AS Organic chemistry virtual escape roomQuick View

AS Organic chemistry virtual escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr12 chemistry revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. You need to use all your skill as an As level organic chemist to escape the lab! Includes questions on nucleophilic addition, free radical substitution, nucleophilic substitution and IR spectroscopy. If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/6034aa4310abd40d0f712d06 For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
Chemistry escape roomQuick View

Chemistry escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr13 chemistry revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. All the questions are from the AQA spec but the content is common to all exam boards. I used Thinglink for the main interface and Google Form for the answer submission. If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1414165910171680773 For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
AS chemistry virtual escape roomQuick View

AS chemistry virtual escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr12 physical chemistry revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. Use your skill as a physical chemist to crack this difficult escape room. Learn what its like to live and work in Antarctica. Covers content on Hess’ law, enthalpy of formation and specific heat capacity. Good luck, you’re going to need it! If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/6036d61322f12e0dabcdcc5c For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
Electrolysis virtual escape roomQuick View

Electrolysis virtual escape room

This is a virtual escape room I made for Yr10/11 GCSE chemistry revision, should take around an hour for a student to complete. Covers material on half equations and electrolysis. All questions are based on past AQA exam questions. If you’d like me to create a bespoke escape room based on your requirements send me a message! https://view.genial.ly/60327412fad0540d09142846 For more free virtual escape rooms check out my website!! www.testtuberevise.com
OCR AS Chemistry module 4.1 PreziQuick View

OCR AS Chemistry module 4.1 Prezi

Follow the link, the picture is just because I had to add a file. A Prezi containing resources for the new OCR specification of AS Chemistry module 4.1. It pretty much follows the textbook in order. Contains links to other resources found on TES and elsewhere. https://prezi.com/yeivwq8u9zbz/organic-chemisrty/ Enjoy!
OCR AS Chemistry Module 2.2 PreziQuick View

OCR AS Chemistry Module 2.2 Prezi

Follow the link, the picture is just because I had to add a file. A Prezi containing resources for the new OCR specification of AS Chemistry module 2.2. It pretty much follows the textbook in order. Contains links to other resources found on TES and elsewhere. https://prezi.com/3fez6acc8dfw/electrons-bonding-and-structure/?webgl=0 Enjoy!