Fractions, decimals and percentages in secondary

Recap key skills and consolidate learning with this selection of fractions, decimals and percentages resources for secondary maths students

Tes Resources Team

Secondary student learning fractions, decimals and percentages using worksheets and activities

Lower secondary KS3 and upper secondary KS4 fractions, decimals and percentages lessons, worksheets and activities 

Equip your students with a basic understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages and help them to identify meaningful connections and understand equivalence with this selection of hand-picked lessons, activities, worksheets and games you can use in your secondary mathematics classroom.

Converting between FDP

Converting Fractions to decimals and percentages

Converting Fractions to decimals and percentages

A lesson all ready to go. The objective for pupils is to use their knowledge of equivalent fractions to develop an understanding of the links between percentages and decimals. Stater activity checks understanding of comparing two fractions through equivalent fractions. The first main part of the ...
Converting fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP) maze

Converting fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP) maze

This is a maze worksheet designed to consolidate learning on converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. Students need to work through the maze by answering the questions. This maze includes a variety of questions including worded application questions. The answer is included. Please h...
FDP Lesson

FDP Lesson

Powerpoint Lesson , worksheet, and exit ticket for FDP conversions.Also includes a lower ability version of these resources. Fully worked examples, fading timers. Two recall activities included in the powerpoint. The green questions and stretch questions have other skills embedded to help increase c...
Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

I planned this lesson for a high ability Year 7 class. Includes a full lesson plan (ideal for trainee teachers). Includes conversion tables for students to fill in, lots of practise questions and a game of bingo. Also includes some questions where students have to fill in the missing fraction ...
Year 7 - FDP Equivalence
White Rose Education

Year 7 - FDP Equivalence

**NEW for 2019/20** White Rose Maths is pleased to announce its premium purposeful practice resources. These resources are available for one off purchase through the TES or as part of individual and school subscription packages on our own site These one off pur...