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History of Cars

History of Cars

Children listen to a memoir of an elderly person's first car and then look at modern day car brochures looking for features which are new, and write a list of features they would like to see in future cars.
Make a Map

Make a Map

Children learn all about Britain and the different countries that make it complete. They write simple labels and create their own personal map of Britain, positioning favourite places and familiar landmarks. Suitable for Years 1 and 2.
Festival Of Britain Architecture

Festival Of Britain Architecture

Children look at Festival of Britain architecture especially the Skylon and Dome of Discovery. They choose to make a Skylon, Dome or to design their own futuristic piece of architecture.
Roman Ball Games For Children

Roman Ball Games For Children

Children explore the life lived by Roman children, rich and poor. They think about schooling and also about their leisure times, comparing the life of children in Roman times with that of children in Britain today. Then they play Roman ball games. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Designs With A Message

Designs With A Message

Adinkra cloths are craft with a message. Children explore the traditional symbols printed on the cloths and create their own symbols to tell a story of their own lives.
How Has Farming Changed?

How Has Farming Changed?

After WW2 and rationing farmers had to increase production. Children discuss where food comes from, and their views on the use of heavy farm machinery and pesticides. Children make a model of a fruit/vegetable or create an ICT presentation showing seasonal availability.
Merging Cultures

Merging Cultures

Celebrate the diversity of British people! The cultures of immigrants from many countries who have come to Britain since WW2 have been merged with the pre-war British culture to provide a great variety of foods, music, clothes and dance. Explore and enjoy!
Meals In The 1950's

Meals In The 1950's

Children look at pieces of kitchen equipment and guess which were available in the 1950s. One group make a real chicken meal, whilst the others make a typical 50s dinner from Plasticine, an ICT package or paint/collage materials. All taste the 50s dinner.
Cooking A 1950's Meal

Cooking A 1950's Meal

Children have the opportunity to cook one course of a typical 1950s meal or to set the table. Discuss safety measures before children cook the shepherds’ pie, rice pudding or sponge pudding and custard. Will everyone have a taste of all three dishes?
Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall

Children study old Roman maps and look at the walls that the Romans built to protect their empire. They study Hadrian’s wall and look at pictures. They create their own map of the boundaries of the Roman empire, drawing walls, marking rivers, coasts etc. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Family Life In Roman Times

Family Life In Roman Times

This session begins some work on family life in the Roman Empire. Children prepare for, and then carry out their own research. Each group picks an aspect of family life and then use the internet as well as books and information sheets to find out some facts. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Designing an Amphitheatre

Designing an Amphitheatre

Children continue the work on gladiators and Roman entertainment and look at amphitheatres. They study what they look like and realise that these varied from place to place. They begin to plan and design their own model amphitheatre. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Amphitheatres, the Colosseum

Amphitheatres, the Colosseum

Children continue the work on the Coliseum in Rome. They find out about its history and then identify and locate this building in today’s Rome. Pointing out that it can be visited, chn look at tourist brochures and plan a visit! Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Keeping Food Fresh

Keeping Food Fresh

Food was rationed during WW2 and the government constantly gave out advice about how to grow and preserve food using various methods. Fridges went into mass production after WW2. Children explore a BBC site – rations, shops, a quiz, etc!
Multi-Faith Britain

Multi-Faith Britain

One of the important changes in British society since WW2 has been the rise in numbers of people with different religious beliefs. Christianity remains the main religion. Investigate the main religions that are now practised in Britain and create display.
Who Are The British People?

Who Are The British People?

Discuss the diff peoples who came to Britain in the past and made it their home - Celts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans and how other peoples have continued to come since WW2. Start a class timeline and individual timelines using ICT about this.
London Olympics 1908 and 1948

London Olympics 1908 and 1948

2012 brings with it London’s third Summer Olympic Games! In this session children find out more about the games in 1908 and those in 1948. Through research of the past they discover what made them unique in so many ways.
From Romans To Save The Children

From Romans To Save The Children

Children continue work on health and hygiene in relation to clean water and the diseases caused/transmitted by dirty water. Using the Save the Children website, children discover the ways in which this issue is being tackled in different parts of the world. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Rising Population

Rising Population

Explain that the population in Britain has been rising steadily since World War 2. This is not only due to immigration, but also to improved health services. Discuss the birth of the National Health Service. Children draw graphs to show population growth.