St Ambrose Preparatory School

Trafford, United Kingdom

Location: Trafford, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: Independent
Gender: Boys
Age range: 4 - 11 years

About St Ambrose Preparatory School

St. Ambrose Preparatory School is a Roman Catholic Independent co-educational day school for children aged between 3 and 11 years. We aspire to the highest ideals of its founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. The accommodation is purpose-built and the classrooms are light and airy. The main building was erected in 1990 and extended in 1994. A further building development, completed in 2009, provides a new hall, music room, changing rooms, and refurbished ICT suite.

Every effort is made to provide a happy, disciplined and caring environment which will encourage and assist the development of each child at al possible levels. A broad, balanced and rigorous curriculum ensures boys are very well prepared to meet the challenges of selective secondary education and given the foundation to become open-hearted, well-rounded individuals, able to display responsible attitudes and behaviour in the service of others.

More information about St. Ambrose Preparatory School can be found on the school website:  

The school is inspected in by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (I.S.I.) and the resulting report can be found on the school’s website or on the ISI website:

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Address: Hale Barns, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 0HF, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 161 903 9193
Positions available at St Ambrose Preparatory School