la géographie de la France .. les régionsQuick View

la géographie de la France .. les régions

les régions , dans le nord, sud est , ouest . de la France. y a ... les Alpes , Pyrénnées .. pupils to make a presentation about one of the sites and answer the question: ' What's the point , i'll never go to France ! '
healthy eatingQuick View

healthy eating

thank you for your comments i hadn't realized I put an old version on ! now corrected version !! simple good or bad for your health food grid followed by a 'health questionnaire' to use as a speaking/ listening activity in class.
superman does le passe compose with etreQuick View

superman does le passe compose with etre

basic tutorial worksheet on verbs that take ' je suis ' in the past instead of 'j'ai' with superman actions. usually with year 8/9 but i suppose it could work at any stage.
Mon emploi du tempsQuick View

Mon emploi du temps

pictures booklet to motivate pupils to write longer passages with connectives and opinions . Used with year 7 & y8 beginners.+ pupil voice plenary
French culture general knowledge/brands  quizQuick View

French culture general knowledge/brands quiz

usually used at the beg. of the year (y7) /short quiz to have kids working in groups and getting to know one another / ice breaker . assessing what they know about French culture or establishing the link with things they might not have known are French.
chez moi !Quick View

chez moi !

tutorial of various rooms in a house. saying il y a / il est dans + game where 's wally? + listening exercise / link to bbc learninzone video
diversity prejudice, differenceQuick View

diversity prejudice, difference

was part of pshe set of lessons about British history and culture . powerpoint I made about diversity and prejudice about looks ,ability, gender, origin, etc featuring her majesty the Queen, the olympic and paralympic teams, Jeremy Kyle, the aliens from Toy Story, Susan Boyle, Hitler, Eminem , George Clooney and many more !
les matieres au collegeQuick View

les matieres au college

using opinions on school subject. worksheet , dice game to cut out , short test fill in the blanks and conversation match up with the Simpsons .
greetingsQuick View


greetings dialogue to cut out / crossword and wordsearch
I can't do French!!!Quick View

I can't do French!!!

powerpoint and worksheet explaning how languages are linked and constantly on the move .. and how 1/3 of English comes from Old French so yes! we can and already do French!!
les transports ppt tutorial,worksheet and plenaryQuick View

les transports ppt tutorial,worksheet and plenary

This is a very basic powerpoint tutorial and activity that I use with a low ability/ confidence year 10 using a regular and irregular past tense to break down the Holidays topic but also vary the verbs they use and hammer in justifications and opinions. It can also be used with year 8 when teaching transports and past tense.
tu as un animal equipe songQuick View

tu as un animal equipe song

if you still have and use the one and only tu as un animal ? song from Equipe. then this could be useful. fill in the blanks words. the worst the song , the longer it sticks in your head !


revision booklet / independent work year 7 / low ability or KS2. 'Mes affaires ' topic + connectives and introducing oneself. level targets for pupils understand how to progress.
GCSE au bar tabac avec Chris MoylesQuick View

GCSE au bar tabac avec Chris Moyles

low ability/ reluctant pupils Funny video and assessment of Chris Moyle's French role play ordering a beer during radio 1 breakfast show. Recreating the conversation with sound effects. Leading on to healthy lifestyles slogans and giving advice.
Countries in EuropeQuick View

Countries in Europe

C'est quel pays? map of Europe label the map in English and French level 2 writing using 'C'est'