Shape, Space and Measure Decorating ProjectQuick View

Shape, Space and Measure Decorating Project

Requires pupils to use thinking, measuring, estimation and teamwork to develop and budget for decorating a flat. Pupils can also work out how much they would need to earn to live there for real. PSHE, citizenship, jobs, careers, painting and decorating are explored through investigation and team work. Pupils present findings by sticking ideas, budgets and colour schemes on a collage type poster which makes good display work. To assess each pupil is given 3 post it notes and asked to grade one of the other projects as good, better and best. A tally can be made to decide an overall winner.
PSHE Money and Cash InvestigationQuick View

PSHE Money and Cash Investigation

Year 7 - Design your own currency task. An investigation into the features of money. Brief history of money. A spot the difference starter task exercise for £5,£10 and £20 notes. Optional Challenge tasks for higher achievers. Used as a home learning task for year 7 PSHE lessons while in lock down 2020! No instructions needed all you need is here!