Genuine French Song using the Conditional TenseQuick View

Genuine French Song using the Conditional Tense

A Genuine French song ' si j'etais president ' by Gerard Lenorman . Fill in the gaps activity with verbs to write in the corect tense ( imperfect or conditional tense ) . Answers provided. The video link enables you to explain who Picsou, Maya are...
Food through French PoetryQuick View

Food through French Poetry

A poem by Robert Desnos to be read as a listening activity. Rich in vocabulary about food. Suitable for junior classes.
maisons de franceQuick View

maisons de france

interactive power point showing what houses look like in France with emphasis on differences with other country ( New Zealand in this case ). Vocab is in French but simple and easy to get students engaged. I thought I had made it a bit long but my students didn't think so. They enjoyed seeing what houses looked like. Enjoy!
STUDIO1 French Module 2 Mon college WorksheetQuick View

STUDIO1 French Module 2 Mon college Worksheet

3 Activities based on Module 2 of STUDIO 1 French ' Mon College' _ True or False _ Choose the correct word so that the sentences make sense. _Complete the sentences Tasks devised for NZ students but easily adapted for the UK or other country. Would need to change ' En Nouvelle-Zelande' to ' Au Royaume Uni / En Angleterre...'
Film: LE PETIT NICOLAS . Re-order the scenesQuick View

Film: LE PETIT NICOLAS . Re-order the scenes

3 task sheets giving a summary of what happens in the Petit Nicolas film. _ student worksheet _ worsheet as given to student with ANSWERS _ workshet with sentences in order This activity could easily be adapted to a card activites. Would need to enlarge the sentences , put in cards and let students move them around until they feel it is in the right order.
Summative Project for Studio 1 Module 1 DescribingQuick View

Summative Project for Studio 1 Module 1 Describing

A project to give to students at the end of Module 1 of the textbook STUDIO 1 French. It gives them the opportunity to showcase what they know when describing someone . The assessment criteria could easily be adapted with marks rather than Achieved/ Merit / Excellence
METRO1 Units 2-3 Unjumble the sentencesQuick View

METRO1 Units 2-3 Unjumble the sentences

_Sentences based on Metro 1 Units 2-3 vocabulary Ready to print and cut up. Answers provided _ Translation provided. I use that acitivty in preparation for a unit test. Once the students have put the snetences together . I ask them to write down those they found difficult.We also translate them verbally as a class when checking that the answers.