Randomised numeracy activities (Pack of 11): Includes +,-,x,÷, times tables + many more! Quick View

Randomised numeracy activities (Pack of 11): Includes +,-,x,÷, times tables + many more!

I have developed randomised numeracy resources and will help pupils master these skills and increasing numeracy competency will help all areas of other maths. Included: #0 - Times tables #1 - Four operations (+,-,x,÷) #2 - Multiplication #3 - Division #4 - Add and subtract negative numbers #5 - Multiply and divide negative numbers #6 - Place value #7 - Fraction of an amount #8 - % of an amount #9 - Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages #10 - BIDMAS / BODMAS Press F9 for new questions and press second tab for answers. It is best to have you "Formulas" set to manual so they don't re-randomise mid task. Another approach is to screenshot both sheets (Q+A) and put into Smartboard or ActivInpire. These work great as numeracy starters. Please review and any comments/feedback is greatly received! (@RandomNumeracy)
Fraction of an amount - Randomised - display on IWB - great as a numeracy starter Quick View

Fraction of an amount - Randomised - display on IWB - great as a numeracy starter

Random generated spreadsheet (new questions press F9). Answers on second tab. Great to use with classes as a starter to build their understanding of working with fractions. I find helps pupils understand multiply numerator and divide denominator. Great starter for both KS3 and KS4. EDIT: Delivered today and corrected some problems. All but last three give integer answers now.
Randomised  numeracy practice activity: multiples, factors, squares, cubes and primes. MWB activityQuick View

Randomised numeracy practice activity: multiples, factors, squares, cubes and primes. MWB activity

Part of my role this year is developing interventions for helping pupils who have areas to develop all this numeracy. My first activity for this is a randomised so display on the interactive whiteboard (IWB) and have pupils with mini-whiteboards (MWB). Then when pupils have the answers scroll down and the answers are here. This is nothing novel in the way the practice is delivered, it simply saves the teacher time and effort working our the answers and instead can focus their attention on misconception and supporting students in the room. The activities are as follows (each tab). Always scroll down for answers so zoom page so yellow/blue covers the IWB: - Mutliples - answers have all 7, so you need to be clear which ones they were required to do (couldn't find any easy way and above answers is say how many they should have wrote. - Factors - specific numbers have been choose, with primes included - Square - square and reveal answers - Cube - same - Primes - six numbers have been chosen and students must write which numbers are prime in their MWB. YOU MUST HAVE MACROS ENABLED OR FACTORS WILL NOT DISPLAY!! Usually there is a ribbon that is displayed and YOU MUST have them enabled. Please review and feedback any problems/improvements, feedback is a gift.
Randomised Revision - area, perimeter, factors and squares - great practise with differentiationQuick View

Randomised Revision - area, perimeter, factors and squares - great practise with differentiation

Following on the successful pack of 11 numeracy resources (more still in development!) I have created something with four skills on one page. Still differentiated (2 easy, 2 medium and 2 hard). YOU MUST ENABLE MACROS, to do this, press "enable content" which is a ribbon at the top. This is so the visual basic code works to generate factor answers (would love to have these in ascending order, if you know how, please message me!) As always, press F9 for new questions and second tab for answers. Be careful not to re-randomise mid-task. You can screenshot Q+A before a lesson so set formulas to "manual" (in excel options). This is great as a starter and area and perimeter vary in metric and imperial units so good for getting familiar with these! More of these resources to come when I have the time. Please give feedback and reviews!
Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide - Randomised - display on IWB - great numeracy starterQuick View

Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide - Randomised - display on IWB - great numeracy starter

An excel spreadsheet to display on your interactive whiteboard so pupils can add, subtract, multiply and divide. This is great to use as a regular starter with classes that struggle with their numeracy. Press F9 to get new questions. Answers on the second tab (bottom left). Differentiated so get higher ability to start on amber or even on red if you aren't going to give them lots of time. EDIT: Delivered in class today and notices a few errors and made sure all but last red ones are integer numbers when dividing.