100+ picture books for Primary SchoolsQuick View

100+ picture books for Primary Schools

A set of over 100 powerful, diverse picture books ideal for use in whole-school (Primaryor in-class assemblies. With one per week, there are enough here for a three year cycle. Lists are in Word format for easy editing / reordering. The final column highlights key themes for each text, with themes that might be triggering for some pupils and staff highlighted (e.g. Loss, family moving away, refugeeism). These may require sensitive delivery and conversations with key pupils in advance.
Weekly safeguarding scenarios & questionsQuick View

Weekly safeguarding scenarios & questions

A set of weekly scenarios and questions to span a full academic year. Designed to prompt discussion in staff meetings or during monitoring (such as learning walks). Includes space to take notes and track trends to share with DSL team and Governors and to inform upcoming CPD and policy change / clarifications by identifying gaps and strengths
Primary end of year report templatesQuick View

Primary end of year report templates

A set of end of year report templates for Nursery to Year 6. These can be printed double sided on A4, then folded into small A5 booklets. Text in black gives recommendations. Text in red gives examples. Text in green gives further examples. All templates are on Word and can be fully edited.
Learning walk script and templateQuick View

Learning walk script and template

A leraning walk outline, including rationale and key questions for each stakeholder (SLT, subject lead, Governor) to ask during the process followed by a single side of A4 for feedback. The feedback section also includes a space for Governors to provide their own feedback to QA the learning walk, as well as a space for actions and timelines of completion.