Paris Anthology RevisionQuick View

Paris Anthology Revision

This is for the AQA English Literature and Language A-level course based on the Paris Anthology Unit in Paper 1. It is recapping key terms, genres and has a structure for writing responses. It also has student led actvities.
Theme of Guilt in MacbethQuick View

Theme of Guilt in Macbeth

This is tailored for the AQA exam board. The lesson focuses on the theme of guilt in Macbeth. Students are to anaylse soliloquies from Macbeth, anaysle quotations and write an exam response.
Linda in Blood BrothersQuick View

Linda in Blood Brothers

The lesson is about Linda from Blood Brothers. It considers her personality and the key events that she has been involved in. There is also an exam question included.
Childhood in Blood BrothersQuick View

Childhood in Blood Brothers

The lesson focuse on childhood in Blood Brothers. It is a student led activity where they work on specific extracts and record the information on the grid considering what they learn about the character and how it links to the theme of childhood.
Scene 1 A Streetcar Named DesireQuick View

Scene 1 A Streetcar Named Desire

Student led activities that looks at linguistic devices characters on stage. Tailored for AQA A-level English Litertature and Language Paper 2