Skim reading using comicsQuick View

Skim reading using comics

Presentation on the history of comics and superheroes which revisits the skill of skim reading:) Perfect if comics are available in your school library. makes a fun lesson.
Roald Dahl Library HuntQuick View

Roald Dahl Library Hunt

Non-fiction library hunt, based around the life and works of Roald which focuses on teaching basic non-ficiton library searching skills. You can use a subject index or onlien catalogue to complete this activity:)
Introduction to newspapersQuick View

Introduction to newspapers

Designed for Sixth form to critically assess different news sources from across the media. Could easily be adapted for younger students as a citizenship lesson.
Tutorial for kids on using DuolingoQuick View

Tutorial for kids on using Duolingo

This is a presentation which shows KS3 students how to sign up safely to Duolingo and use it to improve their language skills. You need computers and headphones for this session. Iw rote to parents beforehand to ask permission to use a third party site.