KS3 Science forces - SEN Low abilityQuick View

KS3 Science forces - SEN Low ability

This resource was used to engage and spark an interest into Science for a class of low ability and with a range of SEN. The booklet is split into manageable lessons that each require the students to use different skills. This worked excellently with the class and got the students interested in forces and aeroplane design. Additionally, this activity has been took by the department I am working at and has been used with year 7 STEM. Please leave feedback
Making a Volcano projectQuick View

Making a Volcano project

This project can be used in both Science and Geography. This consists of approximately 6 lessons dependent on the ability of the group. This booklet has learning outcomes for each lesson and has a range of different activities to keep all students engaged and interested. Also, this includes extension material for any high fliers that finish the work early. Any comments would be appreciated.
Assessment for learning - Think, Pair, ShareQuick View

Assessment for learning - Think, Pair, Share

This resource takes Think, Pair, Share further than the norm. It gives it more structure where you as a teacher can accurately see if or if not the students are doing it as they have set boxes to fill in. Students love this resource and like the idea of if they have to much information to get down they have to be selective in putting down only the best pieces of information they have. Print 4 per page and cut out they become a nice size for sufficient detail. Again any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
AQA required practical spreadsheetQuick View

AQA required practical spreadsheet

We currently use this spreadsheet to keep an accurate up to date record of who has and has not completed practical's. This has then enabled us to put intervention where needed.
Quick and simple self differentiating revision cardQuick View

Quick and simple self differentiating revision card

This resource is excellent for revision purposes and can be used as a starter or plenary of lessons leading up to a test. Students select a topic from a unit of work and write out an easy question a medium question and a hard question with the answers underneath. They then use this as a Quiz Quiz trade tool and each student says what their card topic is. The student can then pick which level of question they answer depending on how confident they are surrounding that topic. Print 4 per page and cut out they become a nice size for sufficient detail. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.