The Pirate Game in FrenchQuick View

The Pirate Game in French

This is a resource I found originally from paulcollins and have translated into French as an end of term activity. The kids loved it!
Healthy futureQuick View

Healthy future

A short powerpoint with a writing activity using Family Guy. 'Je vais changer ma vie&'.
Present and past tense comparisonQuick View

Present and past tense comparison

A reading passage where pupils can identify when the present or passé composé tense is being used. You could make up questions or a find the french exercise to go along with it.
French comic (easily adapted to other languages)Quick View

French comic (easily adapted to other languages)

This is a resource I found and adapted. It helps S1 students create a short comic strip step by step - they think of their characters, of the story, and the language involved. Their success criteria was: it had to contain the present tense it had to involve 3 topics we've covered over the last year each box had to have some text I have tried to re-find the person who made the publisher resources to credit them but can't seem to find them! If it's you, please let me know and thanks!
Time in SpanishQuick View

Time in Spanish

Simple, repetitive, colour coded presentation and print outs presenting time in Spanish. Only includes ‘o’ clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. Adapted from a resource I found from knotty80. I coupled this with show me board games and Linguascope games.
Introductions and birthday - Me presentoQuick View

Introductions and birthday - Me presento

A very simple presentation on introductions in Spanish. Includes: saying your name, asking how someone is and responding, how to say when your birthday is. My students had already learned numbers up to 10 in Spanish which is why we continued to 30. After the powerpoint, students used the vocab sheet to cut out and match up a short conversation in Spanish.