Solve Simultaneous Equations AlgebraicallyQuick View

Solve Simultaneous Equations Algebraically

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Solve two linear equations, add or subtract (+ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, add or subtract (±ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, add or subtract (fractional x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply one (+ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply one (±ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply one (fractional x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply both (+ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply both (±ve x & y). Solve two linear equations, multiply both (fractional x & y). Solve linear & quadratic equations simultaneously (±ve x & y). Solve linear & quadratic equations simultaneously (fractional x & y). Solve linear & quadratic equations simultaneously (decimal x & y).
Completing The Square & Quadratic FormulaQuick View

Completing The Square & Quadratic Formula

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Use a visual method to derive the completing the square formula. Rewrite a given quadratic expression ax² + bx or ax² + bx + c. Solve quadratic equations writing x as a decimal or in surd form. Write a graph’s equation as y = (x + p)² + q & find turning point P. Write a graph’s equation as y = a(x + p)² + q & find turning point P. Write a graph’s equation as y = x² + bx + c using its minimum P. Write a graph’s equation as y = −x² + bx + c using its maximum P. Write p & q in terms of a, b & c then use them to find the roots & P. Use completing the square to derive the quadratic formula. Use the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation. Use the quadratic formula to solve a graph of a quadratic equation. Write formulae for the sum & product of the two roots & evaluate. Evaluate the golden ratio as a surd & decimal using a rectangle.
Solve Simultaneous Equations GraphicallyQuick View

Solve Simultaneous Equations Graphically

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Solve two linear equations of the form ax + by = c (+ve x, y axes). Solve two linear equations of the form ax + by = c (±ve x, y axes). Solve a quadratic function & linear y = mx + c (integers). Solve a quadratic function & linear y = mx + c (fractions). Solve a quadratic function & linear ax + by = c (integers). Solve a quadratic function & linear ax + by = c (fractions). Solve an equation of a circle & linear y = mx + c (integers). Solve an equation of a circle & linear y = mx + c (surd r & fractions). Solve an equation of a circle & linear ax + by = c (integers). Solve an equation of a circle & linear ax + by = c (surd r & integers).
Proof Of Circle TheoremsQuick View

Proof Of Circle Theorems

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Prove the angle subtended by the diameter is a right angle. Prove the angle at the centre is twice that at circumference. Prove the opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral sum to 180°. Prove the angle in the alternate segment is equal.
Pascals TriangleQuick View

Pascals Triangle

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. A dynamic pyramid which enables the teacher to present a wide variety of mathematical sequences & patterns within Pascals Triangle.
Interquartile Range & Percentiles Of Data SetsQuick View

Interquartile Range & Percentiles Of Data Sets

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find lower quartile Q₁ median Q₂ upper quartile Q₃ & IQR (odd n). Find lower quartile Q₁ median Q₂ upper quartile Q₃ & IQR (even n). Find 10ᵗʰ percentile position P₁₀ & value V₁₀ from a set of lengths. Find 25ᵗʰ percentile position P₂₅ & value V₂₅ from a set of times. Find 50ᵗʰ percentile position P₅₀ & value V₅₀ from a set of temp’s. Find 75ᵗʰ percentile position P₇₅ & value V₇₅ from a set of points. Find 90ᵗʰ percentile position P₉₀ & value V₉₀ from a set of weights. Find 95ᵗʰ percentile position P₉₅ & value V₉₅ from a set of marks. Find the percentile position a girl’s result in points occupies. Find the percentile position a runner’s time in h & m occupies. Find the percentile position a temperature in °C to 1 d.p. occupies.
Linear, Geometric & Quadratic SequencesQuick View

Linear, Geometric & Quadratic Sequences

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Extend linear sequences & describe the term-to-term rules. Extend geometric sequences & describe the term-to term rules. Extend quadratic sequences & describe the term-to term rules. Generate terms of linear sequences from term-to-term rules. Generate terms of geometric sequences from term-to-term rules. Generate terms of quadratic sequences from term-to-term rules. Generate terms of linear sequences from position-to-term rules. Generate terms of geometric sequences from rules (user-defined). Generate terms of geometric sequences from rules (randomised). Generate terms of quadratic sequences from position-to-term rules. Write expressions to describe the nᵗʰ term of linear sequences. Write expressions to describe the nᵗʰ term of geometric sequences. Write expressions to describe the nᵗʰ term of quadratic sequences.
Linear Sequences In 2D Spatial PatternsQuick View

Linear Sequences In 2D Spatial Patterns

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find the first 10 odd & even numbers by drawing a series of circles. Find an expression for the number of rings in the nᵗʰ pattern. Find an expression for the number of rhombi in the nᵗʰ pattern. Find an expression for the number of triangles in the nᵗʰ pattern.Find an expression for the number of matches in the nᵗʰ pattern. Find an expression for the number of blue tiles in the nᵗʰ pattern. Find an expression for the number of red lines in the nᵗʰ pattern. Find a formula for number of tiles T to surround a pool given l & w. Find a formula for number of matches M in a rectangle given l & w. Find a formula for number of discs D in a trapezium given n, b & h.
Estimation, Approximation & ErrorQuick View

Estimation, Approximation & Error

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Estimate a robot, alien & pylon’s height given exact height of a boy. Estimate a circle’s area given exact area of a square. Estimate an equilateral triangle’s area given exact area of a square. Estimate calculations involving two numbers by rounding to 1 s.f. Estimate calculations involving four numbers by rounding to 1 s.f. Estimate calculations by rounding roots to nearest known powers. Estimate quotients by rounding to a nearest multiple. Estimate quotients by rounding to a nearest factor. Evaluate products using a given related multiplication. Evaluate quotients using a given related multiplication. Estimate addition A & subtraction S in №s & words form. Estimate multiplication M & division D in №s & words form. Describe groups of darts on targets using terms accurate & precise.
Pay Rates & Rates Of ChangeQuick View

Pay Rates & Rates Of Change

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find an hourly pay rate given the wage received & hours worked. Find my total pay this week inc’ overtime given an hourly pay rate. Find the annual number of loaves of bread a family buys & its cost. Find the annual number of bags of sugar I buy for my tea & its cost. Find a truck’s fuel cost to fill it up & running cost in pence per mile. Find my value in gold if my boss says I’m worth my weight in gold. Find a large meteorite’s unit price given its weight & auction price. Find my hourly pay rate based on profit from making jars of jam. Find a sword’s rate of fall in temperature or rate of sales of tickets. Find a footballer’s strike rate in goals per game & minutes per goal. Find a flow rate into a cuboid-shaped tank given l, w, h & fill-time t. Sketch 3 graphs as 3 beakers of different diameters fill up or empty. Sketch 4 graphs as 4 flasks with different profiles fill up or empty.
Time, Clocks, Timetables & CalendarsQuick View

Time, Clocks, Timetables & Calendars

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Write an analogue clock’s time in words, am/pm & 24-hour form. Use the mnemonic of months & complete units of time definitions. Find the number of days between two dates of the calendar. Find times around the world using differences between time-zones. Convert a period of time in mixed units to single units & vice versa. Interpret a calculator display as a mixed number fraction of time. Find total time ΣT & time interval ΔT given 2 times to 1, 2 or 3 d.p. Find a film’s length given a start & finish in am/pm or 24-hour form. Find the time by using & completing school, bus & train timetables. Find the time remaining till half-time or full-time plus injury-time. Find the mean duration or average running time of a table of films. Find a simple fraction or decimal (<1) or % of an hour or day. Find a mixed number or decimal fraction (>1) of an hour or day.
Surface Area & Volume Of 3D SolidsQuick View

Surface Area & Volume Of 3D Solids

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find the possible arrangements of unit cubes on an isometric grid. Find the surface area & volume of a cuboid by counting unit cubes. Find the surface area & volume of a cuboid using a given formula. Find the visible & total surface area of a triangular prism. Find the visible & total surface area of a trapezoidal prism. Find the visible & total surface area of an L-shaped prism. Find the cross-sectional area & volume of a triangular prism. Find the cross-sectional area & volume of a trapezoidal prism. Find the cross-sectional area & volume of an L-shaped prism. Find the surface area of a rectangular-based pyramid. Find the volume of a rectangular-based pyramid.
Density & PressureQuick View

Density & Pressure

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find an item’s density, mass or volume using a formula. Find an item’s density, mass or volume using a table. Find a surface’s pressure, force or area using a formula. Find a surface’s pressure, force or area using a table. Find volume V & mass M of a cuboid given its density D, l, w & h. Find volume V & density D of a cuboid given its mass M, l, w & h. Find density D of a coin given its mass M, thickness t & diameter d. Find volume V & density D of a sphere of diameter d & mass M. Find pressure P a cube of length x & density D exerts on a surface.
Direct & Inverse ProportionQuick View

Direct & Inverse Proportion

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Write a given graph as a function y = f(x) & a proportion statement. Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx⁻¹). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx²). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx⁻²). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx³). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = kx⁻³). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = k√x). Find constant of proportionality k & complete a table (y = k∛x). Find values by writing a formula connecting 2 given №s (linear). Find values by writing a formula connecting 2 given №s (powers). Find values by writing 2 formulae connecting 3 given №s (linear). Find values by writing 2 formulae connecting 3 given №s (powers).
Graphs Of Trigonometric FunctionsQuick View

Graphs Of Trigonometric Functions

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Complete a table & draw the unit circle using cos θ (x) & sin θ (y). Complete a table & draw the tangent to the unit circle using tan θ. Complete all three trigonometric ratios on a half-circle protractor. Plot a graph of the sin function in the range 0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°. Plot a graph of the cos function in the range 0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°. Plot a graph of the tan function in the range 0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°. Plot graphs of sin & cos functions in the range 0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°. Plot graphs of sin, cos & tan functions in the range 0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°. Plot a graph of the sin function in the range −180° ≤ θ ≤ 180°. Plot a graph of the cos function in the range −180° ≤ θ ≤ 180°. Plot a graph of the tan function in the range −180° ≤ θ ≤ 180°. Plot graphs of sin & cos functions in the range −180° ≤ θ ≤ 180°. Plot graphs of sin, cos & tan functions in the range −180° ≤ θ ≤ 180°.
Graphs Of Reciprocal & Exponential FunctionsQuick View

Graphs Of Reciprocal & Exponential Functions

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Write the equation of a graph as y = f(x) & its proportion statement. Complete a table & plot a graph of a positive reciprocal function. Complete a table & plot a graph of a positive exponential function. Complete a table & plot a graph of a negative exponential function. Complete a table & plot a graph of a decimal exponential function. Match different graphs on the same axes to one of five functions. Use interpolation to estimate x & y on a +ve reciprocal graph. Use interpolation to estimate x & y on a +ve exponential graph. Use interpolation to estimate x & y on a −ve exponential graph. Use interpolation to estimate x & y on a decimal exponential graph. Find the values k, l, m & n given 4 points on a +ve reciprocal graph. Find the values a, k & y given 2 points on a +ve exponential graph. Find the values a, k & y given 2 points on a −ve exponential graph.
Angles & PolygonsQuick View

Angles & Polygons

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find interior angles of a triangle. Find interior angles of two triangles. Find interior angles & an obtuse exterior angle of a triangle. Find interior angles & a reflex conjugate outer angle of a triangle. Find interior angles of a quadrilateral. Find interior angles of two quadrilaterals. Find interior angles of a pentagon. Fine interior angles of a hexagon. Find interior & exterior angles of an n-sided regular polygon. Find ∠e & n given part of a regular polygon diagram & ∠i. Find ∠i & n given part of a regular polygon diagram & ∠e. Find ∠e & n given part of a regular polygon diagram & ratio ∠e : ∠i. Find ∠e or ∠i or n given known values of a regular polygon.
Solve Problems Using Algebraic ExpressionsQuick View

Solve Problems Using Algebraic Expressions

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Find unknown sides of a Δ or quadrilateral given sides & perimeter. Find unknown sides of a Δ or quadrilateral given sides & area. Find a square’s side length l given a Δ of equal perimeter P. Find a rectangle’s l & w given ratio l : w & a Δ of equal perimeter P. Write expressions for the length of one side of a regular polygon. Write expressions for relatives whose ages are algebraically related. Write expressions for the mean weight of b blue birds & r red birds. Write expressions for a six-sided rectilinear L shape’s perimeter. Write expressions in brackets & № as a product of its prime factors. Write expressions for a square’s side l given a frame of equal area. Write expressions for the product of 2 or 3 consecutive numbers. Write expressions for a triangle’s or trapezium’s area in two forms. Write expressions for a triangle’s sides & area in the form k√x & kx².
Inequality Symbols, Variables & Number LinesQuick View

Inequality Symbols, Variables & Number Lines

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Compare the heights of two sets of tiles using inequality symbols. Compare two ±ve integers or decimals using inequality symbols. Compare two ±ve decimal temperatures using inequality symbols. Compare two fractions, decimals or %s using pies & inequalities. Compare two lengths or weights or volumes using inequalities. Evaluate & compare proportions of an amount using inequalities. Write inequality expressions involving n or another suitable letter. Describe linear inequalities on a number line in one variable n. Represent linear inequalities on a number line in one variable n. Solve & represent linear inequalities in one variable n (1, 2, 3-step). Solve & represent linear inequalities in one variable n (both sides). Solve & represent simple quadratic inequalities in one variable n. Solve, factorise & represent quadratic inequalities in one variable x.
Venn Diagrams & Set NotationQuick View

Venn Diagrams & Set Notation

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Complete 2-circle Venn diagrams by placing numbers in regions. Complete 3-circle Venn diagrams by placing numbers in regions. Complete & interpret 2-circle Venn diagrams to find probabilities. Complete & interpret 3-circle Venn diagrams to find probabilities. Complete Venn diagrams given decimal probabilities of all regions. Complete Venn diagrams by writing 2-step linear equations. Complete Venn diagrams by writing equations with x on both sides. Complete Venn diagrams by writing quadratic equations. Complete Venn diagrams by representing a theory & practical test. Complete Venn diagrams by classifying ten different triangles. Complete Venn diagrams by classifying ten different quadrilaterals. Know all 16 set notations & associated regions of Venn diagrams. Identify elements in regions of Venn diagrams using set notation.
Powers, Roots & Index LawsQuick View

Powers, Roots & Index Laws

Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Contents: Complete a table of the first ten integer powers of one positive №. Complete a table of powers & evaluate powers & roots using it. Represent small ±ve powers of the first twelve integers on a № line. Evaluate random ±ve integers, decimals & fractions to ±ve powers. Evaluate user-defined №s to ±ve integer, decimal, fractional powers. Write negative integer powers of numbers as unit fractions. Find ±ve square or cube roots of given square or cube numbers. Estimate square roots or cube roots using upper & lower bounds. Write numbers & products as integer single powers in index form. Evaluate sums, products, quotients of powers & roots expressions. Multiply & divide integer powers using the three laws of indices. Evaluate exactly integers to the power of fractional indices. Write expressions as integers to the power of fractional indices.