

As your students complete these MOTDOKU6: JOUR DE LA TERRE game grids, they “write out” and learn their Earth Day vocabulary without even realizing it! The file comprises two 6x6 word sudoku puzzles, a simple version and a slightly more challenging one. If you’re not sure if this game is right for your students, please do a test run by trying a free MOTDOKU6 puzzle: MOTDOKU6: LA SAINT-VALENTIN MOTDOKU6: NOËL MOTDOKU6: JOUR DE LA TERRE comprend deux jeux MOTDOKU simplifiés. Veuillez, s.v.p., téléchargez un MOTDOKU6 gratuit (voir ci-dessus) pour vous assurer que ces jeux conviennent à vos élèves. Le jeu de NIVEAU 1 fait travailler le vocabulaire suivant. 1 le soleil 2 l’eau 3 les arbres (m.) 4 recyclable 5 le vent 6 la Terre Le jeu de NIVEAU 2 fait travailler le vocabulaire ci-dessous: 1 un sac réutilisable 2 l’énergie éolienne 3 composter 4 l’énergie solaire 5 renouvelable 6 l’énergie verte


As your students complete these WORDOKU6: EARTH DAY game grids, they “write out” and review their Earth Day vocabulary without even realizing it! The file comprises two 6x6 word sudoku puzzles, a simple version and a slightly more challenging one. If you’re not sure if this game is right for your students, please do a test run by trying the free MOTDOKU6 CHRISTMAS puzzle: The LEVEL 1 game uses the following vocabulary: 1 sun 2 water 3 trees 4 recyclable 5 wind 6 Earth In LEVEL 2, the focus is on the following vocabulary: 1 geothermal energy 2 wind power 3 composting 4 solar power 5 renewable 6 reusable bag
Les Misérables: clips & paroles en françaisQuick View

Les Misérables: clips & paroles en français

Inspired by the fun I had studying the hits on the Les Misérables album with my French classes 100 years ago, I've pulled together all the lyrics and all the audioclips here. My original post moaned about 'J&'avais rêvé' being too explicit. But Louiselk has found a school friendly version here: Gillian51 observed that these lyrics would be too easy for her AS students. Please let me reiterate that I teach in Canada and that I can only make educated guesses about appropriate levels for the UK.
Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)Quick View

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

This Easter “How Touching” puzzle is a bit like Boggle. This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. I’ve included mini B & W puzzle grids for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopy costs.
Peppa Siffle (Un jeu tarsia / A  triangle puzzleQuick View

Peppa Siffle (Un jeu tarsia / A triangle puzzle

The French episodes of Peppa the Pig are a rich and engaging resource for both FSL and immersion students. This puzzle complements the episode, PEPPA APPREND À SIFFLER. The objective is to match the sentence fragments printed on the edges of the triangles in order to reconstitute the picture of the pig and the 12 statements about the episode. Les épisodes français de Peppa sont une ressource précieuse pour les étudiants en français langue seconde et en immersion. Cette activité accompagne l’épisode “Peppa apprend à siffler”. L’objectif est de faire correspondre les fragments de phrases imprimées sur les bords des triangles afin de reconstituer l’image du cochon et les 12 énoncés concernant l’épisode. Le jeu encouragera vos étudiants à lire en contexte et à s’entraider pour trouver les solutions. L’activité peut également servir de matériel d’enrichissement pour les étudiants individuels. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, download the free tarsia puzzle, LE FUTUR SIMPLE


VALENTINE’S DAY (A TRIANGLE PUZZLE) focuses on friendship and fun rather than romance. It asks students to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles. In so doing, they will reconstitute  25 statements about friendship and Valentine’s Day and “build” a heart. Here are five of the reconstituted solutions: • You’re like a calculator; I can always count on you. • Yo, magnet! That paperclip thinks you’re really attractive. • I am so lucky to be your friend! • There’s nothing better than a friend unless it’s a friend with chocolate. • Friend, you mean the world to me. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, downloadi the free “Christmas Singalong TRIANGLE puzzle” here: In the unlikely event that you have any cheeky children in your class, double-cutting your triangles will outmanoeuvre any player who might prefer matching paper edges to matching ideas!
LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)Quick View

LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)

Students have to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles in this puzzle. In so doing, they will reconstitute the following  25  statements on the themes of friendship and Valentine’s Day and “build” a heart Cette année je vais envoyer des cartes numériques. J’ai beaucoup de chance d’avoir un(e) ami(e) comme toi! Petit bandit! Tu as volé mon coeur. Prends-moi dans tes bras. = Fais-moi un calin. Je t’aime un peu . . . beaucoup … À LA FOLIE! un ours en peluche = image d’un ours en peluche S.t.p., ne joue pas avec mon coeur! le petit Cupidon = image d’un Cupidon Pourquoi la St-Valentin est-elle la fête préférée de M. Hershey et M. Cadbury? Il lui demande en mariage. [+ image] Papa offre des fleurs à Maman! Malheureusement, ce sont des dents-de-lion! Tu es comme une calculatrice; je peux toujours compter sur toi! Quelle fleur symbolise l’amour? La rose rouge. Que vas-tu faire pour Maman le 14 fevrier? Le petit déjeuner au lit! Tu es mon ami(e) parce que tu es très sympa. Ce bonbon est un coeur de conversation. [+ image] Ma recette pour un dîner romantique? image d’une boîte de dîner Kraft. Voici l’acrostiche d’un mot important: Aimable, Magnifique, Imaginatif Un admirateur secret t’achète une boîte de chocolat! Un synonyme de copain / copine est ami / amie. Je t’aime gros comme ça! [+ image] C’est toi et moi pour toujours! “x,x,x” a la fin d’ une lettre = bisou, bisou, bisou Mon meilleur ami / Ma meilleure amie? C’est toi, bien sûr! Chaque [image d’un chat + k] seconde passé avec toi est un moment de bonheur! LA SAINT-VALENTIN (JEU TARSIA/TRIANGLE PUZZLE) est une activité coopérative. Elle encouragera vos étudiants à se focaliser et à s’entraider pour trouver les solutions ci-dessus. To be sure that this activity is right for your students, please download the free “futur simple” triangle puzzle at: Si vous cherchez un puzzle tarsia un peu plus difficile pour vos étudiants plus avancés, je vous propose COUP DE COEUR:
COUP DE COEUR (jeu tarsia pour la Saint-Valentin)Quick View

COUP DE COEUR (jeu tarsia pour la Saint-Valentin)

COUP DE COEUR (jeu tarsia pour la Saint-Valentin) is a cooperative activity that has a lot of heart! Students have to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles in order to reconstitute the 25 sentences below and to “build” a heart. CITATIONS ET EXPRESSIONS IDIOMATIQUES 1 Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connalt pas. (Blaise Pascal) 2. On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) 3. Le coeur n’est pas une voiture qu’on peut dirigier. (Sivi) 4. II faut avoir un coeur pour comprendre celui d’autrui. (Gustave Flaubert) 5 avoir le coeur sur la main = être généreux 6. avoir un coeur d’artichaut = tomber vite et souvent amoureux 7. Vous faites vos devoirs à contrecoeur; vous n’avez pas envie de les faire. 8. Le mot “courage” dérive du mot “coeur”. 9. au coeur de = en plein milieu 10. avoir mal au coeur = avoir envie de vomir 11. Selon moi, Ia restauration rapide est écoeurante . . . vraiment dégoûtante! 12. Dès qu’il a vu Juliette, Romeo a eu un coup de coeur. 13. du fond du coeur = très sincèrement 14. le coeur me manque = je suis découragé. 15. Il y a quelqu’un que tu ne portes pas dans ton coeur. Tu le détestes. 16. apprendre par coeur = mémoriser 17. être de tout cceur avec quelqu’un = partager ses sentiments 18. prendre une critique trop à coeur = Ia prendre trop personnellemt 19. ouvrir son coeur = révéler ses sentiments secrets 20. en avoir gros sur le coeur = être triste 21. un chouur (illustré) 22. un coeur (illustré) 23. Un sourire cordial vient du coeur. 24. Tu es comme une calculatrice; je peux toujours compter sur toi! 25. Ce petit bonbon est un coeur de conversation (illustré) COUP DE COEUR (jeu tarsia pour la Saint-Valentin) est une activité coopérative. Sur les bords de chaque triangle, il y a soit le début, soit la fin d’un énoncé qui a pour thème, “le coeur”. Vos étudiants doivent les jumeler afin de reconstituer les 25 énoncés et . . . l’image du coeur. To be sure that tarsia puzzles are right for your students, please judge for yourself by downloading the free “futur simple” triangle puzzle at:
La Saint-Valentin: DIRE OU INTERDIRE?Quick View

La Saint-Valentin: DIRE OU INTERDIRE?

DIRE OU INTERDIRE? is a bit like “Taboo” and can be played 2 ways. If your students are confident in French, have them play according to traditional Taboo® rules. If your students are uncomfortable giving clues, turn the rules upside down. Have your students use the words beneath the red and green banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is. The green stars indicate challenging cards. It’s usually a good idea for you as the teacher to announce that you will accept synonyms like 'un palet” or 'un disque” for 'une rondelle”. The cards are designed to be run on business card sheets or card stock. As it is suitable for French as a First Language, Immersion, Extended and advanced Core French students, it can be played at many grade levels.
Le vocabulaire de Noël: un jeuQuick View

Le vocabulaire de Noël: un jeu

Thanks to the accumulative-repetitive nature of  QU’EST-CE QUI MANQUE ICI?, your pupils will master their vocabulaire de Noël.  QQMI is a Kim’s game. Students are asked to remember and call out the Christmas expressions that have disappeared from the mix. A joyful whole-class activity that will get everyone involved! A quick demo video: Le vocabulaire l’arbre de Noël / le sapin le bas de Noël le bonhomme de neige la boule de Noël / la décoration la bûche de Noël le cadeau / la surprise la canne de Noël le casse-noisette les chandelles (f.) le chant de Noël les choristes (m.) de Noël / les chanteurs (m.) de Noël les cloches (f.) la couronne la crèche la dinde l’église l’étoile (f.) le gâteau aux fruits le gui le houx les jeux (m.) les jouets (m.) le lait de poule les lumières de Noël (f.) le lutin la magie de Noël la neige le pain d’épice la paix le papier d’emballage la papillote de Noël / le pétard de Noël le Père Noël le poinsettia / l’étoile de Noël (f.) le pôle nord le renne les rois (m.) Mages le traîneau la veille de Noël le vitrail Appropriate for young French First Language and Immersion pupils and for students in Core French. Here’s a quick demo video:
Celui-ci ou celui-là? Celle-ci ou celle-là?Quick View

Celui-ci ou celui-là? Celle-ci ou celle-là?

A simple, visual introduction to these demonstrative pronouns wrapped in gentle humour. The lesson ends with a challenge to students to create similar visual comparisons for ‘ceux-ci ou ceux-là’ and ‘celles-ci ou celles-là’. I’d enjoy hearing about what your students produce.
Twelve Christmas Rebus PuzzlesQuick View

Twelve Christmas Rebus Puzzles

Here are 12 more rebus puzzles for students who enjoyed the free rebus “A little Christmas Rebus to decipher! (The Little Drummer Boy)”: Thanks to their texting skills, today’s kids “get” the principle behind rebus puzzles intuitively. The “Twelve Christmas Rebus Puzzles” start with simple thematic phrases like “baking gingerbread cookies” and builds to a 3-page invitation to students to make their own rebus. The invitation is, of course, in rebus format! An activity tailored for the run-up to the holidays.
DIRE OU INTERDIRE?  (Un jeu comme Taboo): L'édition de HalloweenQuick View

DIRE OU INTERDIRE? (Un jeu comme Taboo): L'édition de Halloween

DIRE OU INTERDIRE? can be played by intermediate and advanced students For advanced, immersion and francophone groups: If your students are confident and articulate in French, have them play DIRE OU INTERDIRE? like traditional Taboo®. Divide the class into two teams. Place the deck facedown on a desk. A player from the first group chooses a card and tells his/her team everything s/he can about the word at the top of the card. The only catch is that s/he may not use any of the words listed under the orange and black lines in the descriptions. If the class cannot guess the word within 60 seconds, the mystery word is announced to the class and a player from the second team tries his or her luck. A point is scored each time the mystery word is correctly guessed. It’s usually a good idea for you as a teacher to announce that you will accept synonyms. For example, in Canada, a student might guess “un party (de Halloween)” rather than “une fête”. For intermediate level learners: If your students are uncomfortable giving clues, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use the words beneath the black and orange banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is. This package includes 28 Halloween-themed cards, a template for students to make their own DIRE OR INTERDIRE? game and a how-to-play guide.
10 French Bingo Cards for Hallowe'enQuick View

10 French Bingo Cards for Hallowe'en

Play standard bingo - lines, four corners or full house - with these cards. The list of the vocabulary illustrated on the cards is appended below. If you have access to a laminating machine, protect your cards with a coat of plastic and they will last until you retire! (And then you can give them to a younger teacher!) un balai des bonbons une boum la chair de poule un chat noir une chauve-souris une citrouille au claire de la lune un costume / un déguisement un cimetière crier effrayé un épouvantail faire du porte-à-porte un fantôme un hibou jeter un sort jouer un tour une lanterne citrouille un loup une maison hantée le maquillage la nuit les petits monstres une potion magique une poule mouillée un squelette un sorcier une sorcière une toile d’araignée un vampire
Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)Quick View

Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)

The objective of “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)” is to help students to build sentences and to talk about food using indefinite and partitive adjectives. It uses primarily the present tense. Even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully to speak in French in full sentences. After the oral treasure hunt, you can assign coordinates to create an instant written assignment. To see if “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les vêtements)” is right for your students, download the free “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER). VOCABULARY FEATURED IN THIS GAME le beignet la boisson le beurre d’arachides le biscuit le café la cerise les chips (f.) le chocolat les choux de Bruxelles (m.) la fraise les frites (f.) le fromage le gâteau la glace le hamburger le légume les oeufs (m.) au plat la pastèque la pizza la pomme le poulet le raisin le sandwich les spaghettis le sushi ALTERNATIVE VOCABULARY FEATURED IN THE QUÉBÉCOIS VERSION la beigne le beurre de pinottes la crème glacée les croustilles le melon d���eau
Où sont les trésors cachés? (les verbes réguliers ER, IR and RE)Quick View

Où sont les trésors cachés? (les verbes réguliers ER, IR and RE)

This activity works well as a full class, teacher directed game or as a small group activity. After the fun of the oral treasure hunt, you can also assign co-ordinates to create an instant written assignment to reinforce the correct spelling of the verb endings. You’ll find that even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully and the promise of “treasure” tends to generate enthusiastic oral participation as well. My answer key is for le présent, le passé composé, le futur simple and le présent du subjonctif but the game works for virtually every verb tense. To see if this activity is right for your students, try the free, “Où sont les trésors cachés (les verbes ER):
A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutionsQuick View

A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutions

This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. Because I live in Canada, I'm guessing about the proper curriculum level and would appreciate your feedback. A B & W version for teachers who&'d like to photocopy a handout has just been added. P.S. I've listed a number of possible answers but (prudishly? wisely?) I've avoided possibilities like 'lover' and 'loins'!
38 citations du Petit Prince (a triangle puzzle) Quick View

38 citations du Petit Prince (a triangle puzzle)

38 citations du Petit Prince is a co-operative activity. Students have to match the text printed on the edges of the triangles to reconstitute 38 of the most famous quotes from Le Petit Prince. In the process, they’ll build an image of the fox. 38 citations du Petit Prince is for advanced students studying the novel. Try the free future simple triangle puzzle to determine if this kind of activity is right for your students: This is the 2024 update of the file.
Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )Quick View

Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )

Another five minute filler for teachers. Embedded in this puzzle are ten words associated with Autumn and 100 other general vocabulary words. Full instructions, templates in colour and in black and white, a thematic vocabulary and an answer key are included. If you were one of the first 8 people to download this puzzle, you'll notice that the answer key was for another puzzle. Mea culpa. The correct key is included now.
Avez-vous bien compris LUPIN1?Quick View

Avez-vous bien compris LUPIN1?

LUPIN 1 is based on the hit series whose modern hero is obsessed with Marcel Leblanc’s gentleman-cambioleur. Students will match the sentence fragments printed on the edges of the triangles to reconstitute the 18 statements about episode 1 and to “build” their pyramid. A cooperative activity suitable for francophone, immersion students and advanced students in core French. To be sure that this activity is right for your students by, try the free "futur simple” triangle puzzle at:
Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)Quick View

Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)

A five minute filler for French teachers. If your classes enjoy my Christmas puzzles, please let me know and I'll post some of my others . . . les verbes ER, la Saint-Valentin, Hanukkah, au cinéma, etcetera.