Spearman's Rank CorrelationQuick View

Spearman's Rank Correlation

Exercises to practise this statistics test, with suggested mark scheme. Please check answers yourself - I am not an expert!
Quadrat Sampling MethodsQuick View

Quadrat Sampling Methods

Worksheet to help clarify when to use a transect and when to use random quadrats. Includes an exercise on mean, mode and median and calculating an estimate of a plant population from given data.
Succession CrosswordQuick View

Succession Crossword

A crossword to reinforce key terms such as 'pioneer species&', &';climax community', &'primary succession&'; and 'sere&'. Answers on second page.
Genes: Transcription Regulation by OestrogenQuick View

Genes: Transcription Regulation by Oestrogen

A-Level students organise these text boxes into a flow chart to describe the events that occur so that oestrogen is able to cause transcription of a target gene acting as a transcription regulator molecule.
95% Confidence LimitsQuick View

95% Confidence Limits

A sheet to practise carrying out this Stats test for unit BIOL6T. [Please note: you should check the answers for yourself as I am no expert!]
Vaccination: Benefits/Risk GCSE WorksheetQuick View

Vaccination: Benefits/Risk GCSE Worksheet

Students are required to evaluate the benefits and risks of vaccinating, plus a comprehension activity on the whooping cough vaccine using a page from the Nelson Thornes GCSE New Biology textbook.
Intensive FarmingQuick View

Intensive Farming

A sheet to guide students in preparing a presentation on fertilisers, pest control or the intensive rearing of livestock.