Art evaluation sheet ks2Quick View

Art evaluation sheet ks2

I devised this for my year 3's but can be used in any class. It can be used for either Art or DT. Just substitute 'Elizabeth Berrien' for your own choice of artist etc
Viking Food- MenuQuick View

Viking Food- Menu

Upper grp- children design a menu in a viking style- eg cauldron cooked chicken served with Leeks, specialality meals- oakcakes with fruit, drinks- mead. Lower group- draw and label food the vikings ate. (sorry about the line, couldn't remove it, so I used Tippex)
Ks2 Whole Class Assembly- The Bible & storiesQuick View

Ks2 Whole Class Assembly- The Bible & stories

Catholic school assembly, mainly focusing on the bible, old and new testament stories, Noah and his ark and Jesus calms the storm, Acting out, prayers, songs. I did this with a Year 4 class, lasts approx 25 minutes.
Viking End of topic QuizQuick View

Viking End of topic Quiz

At the end of the topic, I like to mix up the class into table groups to answer a set of questions from the topic learnt. Questions relating to food, boats, jobs, settling etc. The children are always enthusiastic with a quiz, especially if there is a prize!
David and Goliath- Five Smooth Stones- MeaningsQuick View

David and Goliath- Five Smooth Stones- Meanings

After reading the story, children reflect on the 5 key words which the stones represent 1. eg Courage- David was not afraid to face the giant. 2.They also to provide evidence of this in the bible eg 'I'll go and fight this philistine'. 3. How can this be related to everyday life- It takes courage to fight the 'Giants' you will face in your life.
Drawing angles~ Year 4 challenge.Quick View

Drawing angles~ Year 4 challenge.

Children solve the number problems given. Using the answer, draw an angle of that degree in the space provided using protractor. Then state if it is an acute or obtuse angle.
Viking Long ships- True/False sorting cardsQuick View

Viking Long ships- True/False sorting cards

Cut out and Laminate cards (if possible), children sort the cards into true and flase statements. The cards on the left hand side are true, the right side are false. So cut them up before handing out, as some children might spot this!