Maths lesson: 3d objects from 2d drawings. KS2 KS3Quick View

Maths lesson: 3d objects from 2d drawings. KS2 KS3

This is a great lesson to help children understand 2d drawings representing 3d objects. If you use it could you review it? The lesson uses websites listed on lesson plan. These involve isometric paper on the whiteboard, along with exploding 2d pictures of 3d shape blocks to help children visualise them more easily. Children predict from the worksheets how many blocks they can see and use real 3d blocks to confirm their predictions. Files attached with answers in case you are not sure (as the teacher)!
Sequences - safe crackerQuick View

Sequences - safe cracker

Children are given sequences which they have to complete which will give them the code to open a safe and get the prize. The prize can be whatever you want (I used housepoints). If you use this resource can you review it please? Worksheets are differentiated starting off with shape patterns and working up to getting children to describe the rule of the sequence.
Decimal place valueQuick View

Decimal place value

A basic worksheet designed to help children understand place value of decimal numbers and be able to order decimals.
Times tables sheetsQuick View

Times tables sheets

These times tables sheets are written to help children consolidate one times tables before moving on to another. The sheets include use of division facts. 2,5 and 10 time tables are assumed and are not covered here. Once children have mastered basic times tables there are further sheets to challenge the more able.
Evidence for the resurrection - court caseQuick View

Evidence for the resurrection - court case

These resources can be used over a few lessons for pupils to work in teams and act as defence or prosecution in different cases looking at the evidence for whether Jesus rose from the dead. Different arguments are given against the resurrection with evidence for the resurrection given from passages from the Bible. Pupils can then hold a court case with prosecution and defence lawyers along with witnesses that they call. The class can then come to a conclusion of each case based on the evidence they hear.
Dangers of Mountains: Cross Curricular Lesson PlanQuick View

Dangers of Mountains: Cross Curricular Lesson Plan

Contains cross-curricular links with English by setting the scene with poetry relating to Charles Gough's death at Helvellyn. (Poetry not analysed in any detail as poem is too hard for KS2). I was hot seated as Charles Gough. Children then studied other real-life case studies of people who died on mountains in 5 different groups. One member from each group was hot-seated by the rest of the class to enable them to find out why the person in their case study had died. Final slides used as a plenary to explore different mountains around the world and what dangers they present.
Concave and convex polygonsQuick View

Concave and convex polygons

I created this presentation as there appeared to be no other resources on the topic. It explains what concave and convex polygons are and relates them to real life. There is a quiz at the end for children to assess their understanding.
Seven pin polygon investigationQuick View

Seven pin polygon investigation

This is a helpful lesson enabling children to apply what they know about properties of polygons and create as many different types of polygons they can. Other aspects of shape can also be covered such as symmetry and area.
Triangle properties tabooQuick View

Triangle properties taboo

I used this as a plenary to consolidate understanding of properties of triangles. One child is given a type of triangle to explain to their peers and the rest of the class have to guess what it is - except the child can't use certain words. The challenge gets harder for the children as the game goes along.
Features of gasesQuick View

Features of gases

A basic PowerPoint explaining features of gases with differentiated worksheets to apply what children have learnt about gases and their features.