Nazi Party growth and takeover of Germany 1918-32Quick View

Nazi Party growth and takeover of Germany 1918-32

Flippedlearning resources based around Youtube narrated presentations about the growth of the Nazi party and their takeover of Germany 1918-32 for GCSE History. The Worksheets provide links to the videos and a mix of note taking, comprehension and higher order questions. In this upload there is also a Zipped file with all the videos to download and use. 6. The Early development of the Nazi party 7. The Munich Putsch and the Lean Years 8. The growth of Nazi support 1929-32 9. How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1932 There is also a Personal Learning Checklist designed for Edexcel covering this period of Weimar rule. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Opposition in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning History File video link and WSQuick View

Opposition in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning History File video link and WS

Flippedlearning resource based around Youtube documentary on Opposition to Nazi Germany. The Worksheet provides a link to the video, 18 comprehension questions and two summary, higher order questions. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Youth in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning WS and YouTube video linkQuick View

Youth in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning WS and YouTube video link

Flippedlearning resource based around Youtube documentary on Youth in Nazi Germany. The Worksheet provides a link to the video, 18 comprehension questions and two summary, higher order questions. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Life in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning WS and Youtube Video LinkQuick View

Life in Nazi Germany - flippedlearning WS and Youtube Video Link

Flippedlearning resource based around Youtube documentary on Life in Nazi Germany. The Worksheet provides a link to the video, 16 comprehension questions and two summary, higher order questions. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
The Creation of a Dictatorship in Nazi Germany - Flipped Learning WS and VideoQuick View

The Creation of a Dictatorship in Nazi Germany - Flipped Learning WS and Video

Flippedlearning resource based around Youtube narrated presentation about how the Nazis and Hitler created a dictatorship in the years 1933-34 GCSE History. The narrated PowerPoint focuses on the Reichstag Fire, Enabling Act, Night of the Long Knives and the death of Hindenburg. The Worksheet provides a link to the video and a mix of note taking and comprehension questions. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Nazi Control and Dictatorship - 4 Flipped Learning Videos and WorksheetsQuick View

Nazi Control and Dictatorship - 4 Flipped Learning Videos and Worksheets

Flippedlearning resources based around Youtube narrated presentations about ways in which the Nazis created a totalitarian dictatorship in Germany in the years 1932-9 for GCSE History. The Worksheets provide links to the videos and a mix of note taking, comprehension and higher order questions. In this upload there are also the 4 video files 10. The creation of a dictatorship 11. The Nazi police state 12. Controlling and influencing attitudes 13. Opposition, Resistance and Conformity There is also a Personal Learning Checklist designed for Edexcel covering this period of German history. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Nazi Germany - Employment and Living Standards Flipped Learning worksheetQuick View

Nazi Germany - Employment and Living Standards Flipped Learning worksheet

Flipped Learning worksheet and link to YouTube narrated PowerPoint that covers how the Nazis addressed unemployment and tried to improve living standards in Nazi Germany. Covers the Labour Service (RAD), the autobahns building, rearmament and invisible unemployment as well as looking at wages, cost of living and the impact of the Labour Front (DAF), Strength through Joy (KdF) and Beauty of Labour (SdA). Ends by considering how effective these measures were. Perfect for introducing or consolidating this key topic through homework or independent study.
Nazi Germany - Persecution of minorities including Jews, Roma Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabledQuick View

Nazi Germany - Persecution of minorities including Jews, Roma Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled

Flipped Learning worksheet and link to YouTube narrated PowerPoint that covers how the Nazis persecuted minorities in the years 1933-39. The video covers eugenics and racial hygiene and the reasons behind the persecution including looking at Mein Kampf before going on to look at how the persecution of the Jews, Slavs, Roma Gypsies, homosexuals and disabled people were carried out. Perfect for introducing or consolidating this key topic through homework or independent study.
The Master Race - BBC History File documentary link with Flippedlearning WSQuick View

The Master Race - BBC History File documentary link with Flippedlearning WS

Flippedlearning resource based around Youtube documentary on the Jews in Nazi Germany. The Worksheet provides a link to the video, 18 comprehension questions and two summary, higher order questions. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students outside the classroom as either homework or revision, freeing up time in lessons for consolidation, debate and analysis. Video is not the highest quality and it does flicker out briefly towards the end, but it is an excellent and accessible summary. For more information about flippedlearning or my flipyourhistory experiences follow my Twitter account (@flipyourhistory) or read my blog - To see all my flippedlearning resources search flipyourhistory on the TES.
Rise of Hitler Flipped Learning Video and WorksheetQuick View

Rise of Hitler Flipped Learning Video and Worksheet

Flippedlearning resource based around the Warning From History TV series episode 1 on the Rise of Hitler. This worksheet provides a link to the documentary available online with 20 comprehension questions and summary higher order extension. Flippedlearning resources are designed to be used outside the classroom by students so they can have an introduction or revise the content of your course. This allows more time in the classroom for discussion, analysis and evaluation. For more information about flippedlearning please follow me on Twitter @flipyourhistory or read my blog
Arab Israeli Conflict - Workbook to accompany textbook on the conflictQuick View

Arab Israeli Conflict - Workbook to accompany textbook on the conflict

#flippedlearning done in an old school way! This is a workbook designed to accompany Michael Scott Baumann's Access to History: Crisis in the Middle East: Israel and the Arab States 1947-2007 book. This was designed for A2 Coursework students so they could carry out independent study before doing coursework on the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1900-2000. A very comprehensive way to introduce students to this topic and ensure they have taken structured notes. For more information about flippedlearning please visit my twitter account (@flipyourhistory), pinterest or blog (
CNN Cold War Documentary Series WorksheetsQuick View

CNN Cold War Documentary Series Worksheets

This download includes worksheets to accompany some of the excellent CNN Cold War documentary series on the Cold War. These flippedlearning resources are designed to be used by students at home to further their learning by taking notes on the documentaries. Each worksheet contains 20 comprehension questions and an extension task. The series includes 1. Comrades 1917-45 2. Iron Curtain 1945-47 3. Marshall Plan 1947-52 4. Berlin 1948-9 5. Korea 1949-53 9. The Wall 1958-63 10. Cuba 1959-62 11. Vietnam 1954-68 12. MAD 1960-72 15. China 1949-72 16. Détente 1969-75 24. Conclusions 1989-91
Arab-Israeli Conflict ResourcesQuick View

Arab-Israeli Conflict Resources

All my flippedlearning resources for teaching the Arab-Israeli Conflict as A2 coursework in one bundle. I use these resources as summer work in Year 12 for my students to cover the content of their Arab-Israeli Conflict 1900-2001 course, so that in September we can focus on consolidation, analysis and evaluation. The bundle includes a structured note taking workbook which accompanies the Michael Scott Baumann Access to History book and the following flippedlearning video links and comprehension WS. 1. Promises and Betrayals in the Middle East - British policy in WW1 2. The Birth of Israel BBC Documentary 3. The Other side of Suez BBC Documentary 4. Line of Fire - The Six Day War Documentary 5. Intifada - Al Jazeera Documentary 6. Relentless Documentary on the Oslo Accords