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Placenta and Amniotic sac (Edexcel iGCSE)

Placenta and Amniotic sac (Edexcel iGCSE)

An information sheet and question sheet for a bit of independent work on the roles of the placenta and amniotic sac for edexcel iGCSE. We do this in Year 11 so there are a few synoptic quesitons in there too such as “describe the role of antibodies”, “describe how the mother gets rid of the foetal carbon dioxide”. Feel free to use this Quizizz quiz too: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5bedc6df007091001a7aed67
What plants do with glucose DART

What plants do with glucose DART

Activity for students to learn about what plants do with the glucose they make in photosynthesis. Aimed at GCSE (specifically iGCSE Edexcel) as I’ve tried to link it in with the topic they’ve already done on biomolecules and obviously cell structure. DART stands for Directed Activity Related to Text. It could be used in many ways. For example students read once and highlight in one colour all the chemicals that are mentioned. And then read again and highlight in another colour what they need the various chemicals for. Then they use this information to create a spider diagram, with little picture, to help them remember the information.
Effects of smoking on lungs DART

Effects of smoking on lungs DART

An overview of the effects of smoking on the lungs which could be used as an alternative to textbook work or using the internet for research. You could have students turn the information into a table or other format, set some questions for their peers based on it or use it as a basis for discussion.
Population and Competition Snakes and Ladders

Population and Competition Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and Ladders game for Year 7 to introduce ideas of factors that affect population numbers. Just download and laminate a snakes and ladders board e.g. from http://www.printableboardgames.net/preview/Snakes_and_Ladders, then students play the game as normal. The only difference is that when they land on a snake or ladder they take a 'snake' or 'ladder' card and read out the cause of their good or bad fortune ie. a reason why their population has increased or decreased. To be honest, I've rushed it a bit so I'm sure someone could adapt it. It could also be adapted for older years; they could come up with their own reasons for population changes.