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DosbarthJJ's Shop

Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.




Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.
Maths Mental Warm-Up/Maths Working Wall

Maths Mental Warm-Up/Maths Working Wall

Maths Mental Warm-Up/Maths Working Wall PowerPoint. Fully editable. Resource includes: Place Value Grid Gattegno Chart 100 Square 200 Square Multiplication Grid Analogue and Digital Clock/Time Partitioning Number Lines Fraction Bars Fraction Wall Fraction/Decimal/Percentage Equivalents Diagonal Neighbours Rounding Number of the Day (4 Operations) Venn Diagram Carroll Diagram Counting Stick Perfect for mental warm ups at the beginning of Maths sessions and can be used on interactive whiteboards etc. Can also be used as part of Maths working walls, or to support and scaffold learning.
Fractions Year 3 and 4

Fractions Year 3 and 4

A PowerPoint presentation which covers the methods for finding half (1/2), finding fractions of shapes and finding fractions of amounts, in the context of number, money and measures. Activity cards and related resources for children to apply the skills through various activities.
Character Feeling Graph/Chart Template

Character Feeling Graph/Chart Template

A template which can be used to display characters feelings, emotions or actions through the beginning, middle and end of a story or short film clip. Includes a blank version, smiley face LA version and 2 versions with a differing number of lines, for children to add in their own vocabulary related to emotions.
Christmas Maths - Money

Christmas Maths - Money

Money - Children tasked to calculate the cost of items at different retailers after promotions & deductions. Differentiated 4 ways (circles - LA, triangles MA, squares TA, pentagons MAT). Children to then discuss the cheapest, most expensive etc and which retailer they would use and why.
Counting On and Column Addition

Counting On and Column Addition

A lesson plan and accompanying resources for a lesson based on developing ‘counting on’ using the number line method. Also supports column addition method for checking answers. Includes lesson plan, warm up task, PowerPoint of how to use the method and number cards for the main activity.
One Page Profile/All About Me

One Page Profile/All About Me

A template for getting to know a new class, getting a child’s perspective on their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes etc. Can be used as a One Page Profile, an introductory first week back task or as a homework task. Contains a blank version which can be used if completing using ICT and a version with lines if handwritten. Both .doc templates so can be easily edited.
Sentence Starters

Sentence Starters

A display to encourage children to use interesting sentence starters when writing. ISPACED - I (ing ending words), S (simile), P (preposition), A (adverb), C (connective), E (ed ending words), D (dialogue). Includes ISPACED title, headings for each of the letters and an example sentence for each technique.
Swansea Tidal Lagoon

Swansea Tidal Lagoon

A lesson based on the Swansea Tidal Lagoon. Session explores the pros and cons of building a tidal lagoon in Swansea, South Wales. Use news reports to support the task. Various resources to support group discussion, culminating in a whole class discussion where children need to decide upon whether they think the tidal lagoon is a good idea or not.
Solar System

Solar System

A collection of resources to support the teaching of the solar system. Resource include: 1) vocabulary related to the solar system, which children need to research and find definitions. 2) A template for a ‘Wikipedia’ style entry about a famous astronaut. 3) Questions for children to explore about stars. 4) Planets of the solar system worksheets which includes task for children to come up with their own mnemonic. All .doc or .ppt formats so can easily be adapted.
Story - Ghost Theme

Story - Ghost Theme

A PowerPoint with accompanying good & bad examples of ghost story introductions, focusing on development of description and speech punctuation skills.
New Curriculum Planning Templates - Wales

New Curriculum Planning Templates - Wales

A weekly planning document template & evaluation document template based on the new ‘Successful Futures’ curriculum for Wales. Templates are organised in the 6 new ‘Areas of Learning Experience’ (AoLEs). Easily adapted as in .doc formats.


Two activities to support teaching of solar system, space & time topics. One activity looks at a hypothetical scenario based on different spacecraft traveling to different planets at different speeds. Second activity looks at the average temperature of planets and asks children to create a line graph/bar chart and answer questions based on the given data.


A series of activities used during a multiplication workshop for parents & children. Includes a number of task card, with activity resources where appropriate. Can also be used as a mini unit of work on multiplication, or as additional/extension tasks. Powerpoint explains step by step, and gives examples of, multiplication methods.
Long Multiplication

Long Multiplication

An introductory PowerPoint to introduce different methods of long multiplication. Differentiated activities - can be used in class or as a homework task following classroom based activities. Easily adapted.
Adding Several Numbers

Adding Several Numbers

A lesson including differentiated activities to develop children’s understanding of adding several numbers. Includes a whole class introduction loop game. Suitable for lower Key Stage 2, but can easily be adapted for other year groups.


A whole class lesson based on homophones. Covers all common homophones including your/you’re, there/their/they’re, where/were/wear, to/two/too.
Aswan Dam

Aswan Dam

Lesson based on the following scenario: An energy company has decided to build a dam near your local area in order to produce hydro-electrical power. The building of the dam and the flooding it will cause will mean that 200 homes will be destroyed. The energy company will give the people and families affected money and time to move house. The project will create a source of clean, renewable energy that will power thousands of homes in Swansea. It will also create work for many people in your area. However, the flooding of the valley to create the reservoir will not only affect the families that live there, but also the many animals and birds that live there. The valley that will be flooded is a place of natural beauty that is enjoyed by tourists, walkers and fishermen. In your group, you must create an argument either in favor or against the development of the dam.
The Day The Crayons Quit

The Day The Crayons Quit

A Philosophy for Children (P4C) lesson aimed at children in Key Stage 2, based on the book ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt. Lesson begins with a mystery box, which contains a pack of crayons, with one crayon outside of the box. Lesson plan, supporting PowerPoint and planning sheet provided, all in editable formats.
Guinness World Records Class Assembly

Guinness World Records Class Assembly

A class assembly written for a topic about Guinness World Records. Used in a year 4 class, but easily adapted to be used across KS2. Has 32 parts, some of which can be combined for smaller classes. In a .doc format so can easily be adapted & edited.