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stuff for ICT and Computing
AS video lectures

AS video lectures

This is a sample chalkboard that I created for use with my AS level students on the WJEC course. You can find more of these on Teach-ICT, but they are not free. They are however my best work to date.
ICT hangman

ICT hangman

Fabulous hangman game to test GCSE ICT students on theory. Taken from the old www.ictgcse.com website.
WJEC A2 videos from youtube

WJEC A2 videos from youtube

I had a bad throat so decided to ask my students to do a trawl of youtube to find various videos that mirrored the contents of the specification. We have dropped them into file format so you can easily embed them in your VLEs. Hope they are of use
FREE android app to teach scratch

FREE android app to teach scratch

"Scratch Kids" brings you a whole bunch of video tutorials to get you going making your own games in the new version of Scratch 2.0. This are not the sort of standard tutorials that you find on the web. During the videos you will be set tasks to do in scratch and hopefully you will be able to complete them on your own. However don't worry the next video in each project will show you how to complete the task!! These videos are really targeted at primary students although the content will go on to stretch and challenge even the most able of them with variables, cloning, broadcasting and many other features of Scratch. This is a big app of just under 300Mb, because there is so much material in it. You will need to be hooked into your WiFi connection!! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kid.scratch
Mail merge and spreadsheet test

Mail merge and spreadsheet test

I use these files as an end of year test for our year 8s. Combines some basic graphic work, with a few formula in a spreadsheet to create a graph that is then used in a mail merge task. It's a bit 'leftfield' in content and would need a few changes to the word docs to make it specific to your school, however it is a lot of fun, assesses useful skills and the kids enjoy doing it.
Penalty shootout ICT GCSE quiz

Penalty shootout ICT GCSE quiz

Fabulous penalty shootout game to test GCSE ICT students on theory. Taken from the old www.ictgcse.com website and made in conjunction with our friends at content generator.
FREE Scratch tutorial app on iPad

FREE Scratch tutorial app on iPad

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/scratch-kids-lite/id957195511?mt=8 'Scratch Kids Lite' brings you 3 sets of video tutorials to get you going making your very first activity and game in the new version of Scratch 2. However, these are not the sort of standard tutorials that you find on the web. During the videos you will be set tasks to do in scratch and hopefully you will be able to complete them on your own. However don't worry the next video in each project will show you how to complete the task!! These videos are really targeted at KS2 students although the content of the full app will go on to stretch and challenge even the most able of them with variables, cloning, broadcasting and many other features of Scratch. There's even a quiz in the app so you can test your scratch knowledge too!!
GCSE ICT crossword on graphics

GCSE ICT crossword on graphics

Lovely interactive crossword on graphics theory taken form the now defunct www.ictgcse.com site. You might want to press F11 on your keyboard to make it more visible in your browser.
OCR Nationals French trip scenario resources

OCR Nationals French trip scenario resources

A bunch of films, screencasts and weblinks that you could use to help support the delivery of the French trip model assignment. Some of it is geared to my school, for example we use open source email rather than outlook, but the principles of all the resources can be used by anyone. Please find the second part of this resource in the resource bank to finish off the database videos
Fish and shark game using scratch

Fish and shark game using scratch

Of all my scratch tutorials this is my favourite. Lots of skills and commands used in scratch and the kids end up with a game that they will genuinely play. Loads of extension possibilities are easily identifiable too.
Mail on Sunday DTP exercise

Mail on Sunday DTP exercise

A series of videos that show students how to create a DTP version of the Mail on Sunday. Your best students should be able to create something that would be hard to tell from the real thing!! The 2 graphics are an example front cover and the masthead of the paper. Sorry about the lack of controls on the films, but can't re-render.