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Your school bank notes

Your school bank notes

Bank notes which you can put your school name and pictures of your teachers on to use in activities involving purchasing. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. See also my 'Cash for questions revision activity' which uses these bank notes.
Angles group activity

Angles group activity

A collective memory starter and then an activity to revise angle facts and build teamwork skills. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Optimisation - real examples

Optimisation - real examples

Featured in the TES Newsletter. Two optimisation examples, both involving eliminating one variable. One example with positive indices, the other with negative. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Islamic art patterns

Islamic art patterns

Multicultural activity which involves copying patterns and colouring them in to make nice wall displays. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. If you find any other interesting Islamic art patterns please message me so that I can add them in.
Four colour map problem

Four colour map problem

An investigation activity looking at the number of different colours needed to colour a map. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.