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Edexcel A Level 2F.2 South Africa 1948-94: Apartheid state to Rainbow Nation 'at a glance' notes

Edexcel A Level 2F.2 South Africa 1948-94: Apartheid state to Rainbow Nation 'at a glance' notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’: 1 The response to apartheid, c1948–59 2 Radicalisation of resistance and the consolidation of National Party power, 1960–68 3 Redefining resistance and challenges to National Party power, 1968–83 4 The end of apartheid and the creation of the ‘rainbow nation’, 1984–94 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y102 Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 OCR A Level History revision notes

Unit Y102 Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 OCR A Level History revision notes

These detailed revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y102 Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107: 1 British Period Study: Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1087: a) Anglo-Saxon England 1035–1066 b) William of Normandy’s invasion and the Battle of Hastings 1066 c) William I and the consolidation of power d) William I and the government and administration of England 2 Enquiry Topic: Norman England 1087–1107 a) William II ‘Rufus’ and the consolidation of power and government b) William II ‘Rufus’ and the Church c) The death of William II ‘Rufus’ and the succession of Henry to 1107 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Eduqas / WJEC | AS Level | Islam Theme 1 | Revision notes | Religious Studies

Eduqas / WJEC | AS Level | Islam Theme 1 | Revision notes | Religious Studies

These notes were created for students studying the WJEC / Eduqas AS Level Religious Studies specification and are designed to be ‘at a glance’ revision notes that go into detail for each part of the specification - i.e. what each student needs to know about Islam Theme 1 (religious figures and sacred texts) for their exam. For students who are predicted lower grades than their peers, I have found this resource is invaluable in giving them ‘slimmed down’ content for Islam Theme 1 and these notes allowed them to tackle revising the topic without the fear of drowning in lots of content. For my more able students they used these for self-quizzing and as a starting point for making their own very detailed notes (an important part of revision in itself). Thanks for looking and I hope this saves you a little bit of time in the run up to exam season! :)
3.1 Epistemology AQA A Level Philosophy full course revision notes

3.1 Epistemology AQA A Level Philosophy full course revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level Philosophy students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for unit 3.1 Epistemology: What is knowledge? - The tripartite view Perception as a source of knowledge - Direct realism - Indirect realism - Berkeley’s Idealism Reason as a source of knowledge - Innatism - The intuition and deduction thesis The limits of knowledge These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher you may find it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlight and annotate them with anything extra you want to give them according to their level. These notes though are comprehensive and detailed and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full revision course notes

Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full revision course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give GCSE Classical Civilization students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) Women of Legend Young Women Women in the home 'Improper’ Women Women and religion Women and power Warrior Women Women to be Feared Each of the above is split into two sections: Greece, firstly, and then Rome. These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher you may find it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlight and annotate them with anything extra you want to give them according to their level. These notes though are comprehensive and detailed and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full course revision notes

Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full course revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give GCSE Classical Civilization students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) Gods The Universal Hero: Heracles/Hercules Religion and the City: Temples Myth and the City: Foundation Stories Festivals Myth and Symbols of Power Death and Burial Journeying to the Underworld These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher I found it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlighted and annotated them with anything extra I wanted to give them according to their level. The notes though are comprehensive and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y210: Russia 1645–1741 OCR A Level History - detailed full course revision notes

Unit Y210: Russia 1645–1741 OCR A Level History - detailed full course revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y210: Russia 1645–1741 1) Russia 1645–1698 2) The reforms of Peter the Great 1698–1725 3) Foreign Relations 1645–1725 4) Opposition and reaction 1645–1741 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y209 African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800 four case studies OCR A Level full course / revision notes

Unit Y209 African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800 four case studies OCR A Level full course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y209: African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: four case studies 1) The Songhay Empire c.1450–1591 2) The Kingdom of Kongo c.1400–c.1709 3) The Kingdom of Benin c.1500–c.1750 4) The Kingdoms and Empires of Oyo and Dahomey 1608–c.1800 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2K International Relations & Global Conflict c1890–1941 AQA A Level History revision / course notes

2K International Relations & Global Conflict c1890–1941 AQA A Level History revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for unit 2K International Relations and Global Conflict c1890–1941: Part one: Great Power rivalries and entry into war, c1890–1917 Great Powers: Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Austria-Hungary, c1890–1900 The Great Powers and Crises, 1900–1911 The coming of war, 1911–1917 Part two: The failure of international peace and the origins of the Second World War, 1917–1941 (A-level only) The end of the First World War and the peace settlement, 1917–1923 Attempts at maintaining the peace, 1923–1935 The coming of war, 1935–1941 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y208 Philip II 1556–1598 OCR A Level History full revision / course notes

Unit Y208 Philip II 1556–1598 OCR A Level History full revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y208 Philip II 1556–1598 1) Political authority 2) Religion 3) Foreign policy 4) The Netherlands These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Y207 The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 OCR A Level course / revision notes

Y207 The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 OCR A Level course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y207: The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 1) The German Reformation 1517–1529 2) The spread of Lutheranism 1530–1555, the Schmalkaldic War and Peace of Augsburg 3) Charles V’s relations with the Ottoman Empire 4) Charles V’s wars with France These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y206: Spain 1469–1556 OCR A Level History full course / revision notes

Unit Y206: Spain 1469–1556 OCR A Level History full course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y206: Spain 1469–1556 1) Isabella and Ferdinand: government 2) Isabella and Ferdinand: religion 3) Charles I: government and religion 4) Overseas policies and the economy These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y205 Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445–1570 OCR A Level full course / revision notes

Unit Y205 Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445–1570 OCR A Level full course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y205: Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445–1570: 1) Exploration 2) Encounters and conquest 3) Settlement and consequences 4) Impact of overseas empire on Europe These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
A guide to secondary subject Deep Dives (what they are, why they're important, and how to do them)

A guide to secondary subject Deep Dives (what they are, why they're important, and how to do them)

This CPD, aimed at new and existing members of SLT, goes through the rationale behind conducting subject deep dives in the style of Ofsted, and how to implement them. Included are two files: a PowerPoint file in the event you would like to deliver this CPD to staff as a presentation a PDF in case you want to disseminate this CPD via email, or follow up with the notes to the presentation above. This resource provides step-by-step insights into navigating subject deep dives, focusing on intentional strategies for refining teaching practices and achieving incremental improvements, fostering a culture of reflection and adaptability within the constraints of secondary education. Thanks for taking a look - hopefully after using this guidance you’ll be in a place as a senior leadership team, or as a highly competent middle leader, where you are able to convey the need for and benefits of subject deep dives, not just in the context of preparing for Ofsted, but also importantly in the spirit of a commitment to continuous school improvement.
AQA A Level Religious Studies: 2B Christianity (Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues) notes

AQA A Level Religious Studies: 2B Christianity (Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues) notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level Religious Studies students a comprehensive understanding of all the key knowledge from the specification for Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues - 2B Christianity: Section A: Christianity Sources of wisdom and authority God Self, death and afterlife Good conduct and key moral principles Expressions of religious identity Christianity, gender and sexuality Christianity and science Christianity and the challenge of secularisation Christianity, migration and religious pluralism Section B: Dialogues The dialogue between Christianity and philosophy The dialogue between Christianity and ethics These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every single corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered in great detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
AQA A Level Religious Studies: 2A Buddhism (Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues) notes

AQA A Level Religious Studies: 2A Buddhism (Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues) notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level Religious Studies students a comprehensive understanding of all the key knowledge from the specification for Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues - 2A Buddhism: Section A: Buddhism Sources of wisdom and authority Ultimate reality Self, death and afterlife Good conduct and key moral principles Expressions of religious identity Buddhism, gender and sexuality Buddhism and science Buddhism and the challenge of secularisation Buddhism, migration and religious pluralism Section B: Dialogues The dialogue between Buddhism and philosophy The dialogue between Buddhism and ethics These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every single corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered in great detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Y204 Genghis Khan and the Explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 OCR A Level History revision notes

Y204 Genghis Khan and the Explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 OCR A Level History revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y204: Genghis Khan and the Explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 1) Genghis Khan and the Creation of the Mongol Empire c.1167–1264 2) The Reign of Khubilai Khan 1264–1294 3) The Khanates 1294–1405 4) Impact of the Mongol invasions and interaction between East and West to 1405 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y203: The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 OCR A Level History full revision notes

Unit Y203: The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 OCR A Level History full revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y203: The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 1) The First Crusade 2) The Crusader States in the 12th Century 3) The Second Crusade 4) The Third Crusade These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
AQA GCSE (9-1) History  (AC) Russia, 1894–1945: 'Tsardom and communism' full revision / course notes

AQA GCSE (9-1) History (AC) Russia, 1894–1945: 'Tsardom and communism' full revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA GCSE History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit (AC) Russia, 1894–1945: ‘Tsardom and communism’: Part one: The end of Tsardom Part two: Lenin’s new society Part three: Stalin’s USSR These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
AQA GCSE History (AB) Germany, 1890–1945: 'Democracy and dictatorship' full course / revision notes

AQA GCSE History (AB) Germany, 1890–1945: 'Democracy and dictatorship' full course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA GCSE History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit (AB) Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship 1) Germany and the growth of democracy 2) Germany and the Depression 3) The experiences of Germans under the Nazis These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)