Light and shadows investigationQuick View

Light and shadows investigation

shadows investigation- two differentiated formats of same thing. Could be used in yr3 or yr5/6 KS2 depending upon cohort. I used a card figure as the opaque object and large paper as the screen. Went down well with the children. the harder one requires a line graph to be drawn and the easier one a bar chart. Anyway enjoy and adapt as you please.
bones and strength activityQuick View

bones and strength activity

activity used with KS2 to test strength of 'bones'. Differentiated worksheets provided. Starts with ppt with link to external website on naming bones drag and drop. Then leads onto the main experiment using paper art straws to represent bones. Anyway, my kids love it but it assumes that you have tripods and lots of masses.
KS3 computing project bookletQuick View

KS3 computing project booklet

In response to my SLT request for something 'concrete' i.e. written for the units of computing I put together a little project booklet to hopefully satisfy their thirst for paperwork. Anyway if it is any use please feel free to adapt if you wish.
theories of the universeQuick View

theories of the universe

This is a powerpoint but I used it as a market place activity, printed off the copies of the various theories as per the slides and then groups co-operate to collect ideas about each theory. They then decide which one they prefer etc giving rationale. Used as a first lesson the universe. I had a grid for them to fill in but I cant find that- anyway hope it helps.