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A level AQA revision

A level AQA revision

3 Resources
There are 20 activities to choose from!! they can be used for starters, revision or plenary. The second lesson focuses on attachment A01 and AO3 revision for the key studies. The third lesson is a revision lession on Social influence
Revision lesson Social

Revision lesson Social

Focuses on Key studies from Social and trains students to use the DREEEMSS cheat sheet to reduce workload. Actvities includes- Retrival practive starter, pictionary, taboo, story board, PLC and Evaluation task!
A level Psychology Revision

A level Psychology Revision

These activities can be adapted for any topic- the aim of this presentation is to give you ideas about the different types of starters, plenary and revision activities which can be used in rotation throughout your teaching. There are 20 activities to choose from! Activities include: stop the clock, become an examiner, taboo, hot seat, bingo, debates, word association, label the diagram, Pictionary etc….
Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim A

Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim A

This resource sets out the structure for the first assignment-Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it. It covers all the assessment criteria from the learning brief. the structure is split into three main parts The process of growth and development through three, different life stages showing how growth and development changes over time. The factors that have had an effect on each of the three, different life stages. How the impact of the different factors has changed across the different life stages for your chosen individual. I gave the research points to my lower ability along with the structure.
BTEC Level 2 Tech Award (NEW SPEC)-unit 1

BTEC Level 2 Tech Award (NEW SPEC)-unit 1

6 Resources
This bundle contains first SIX lessons on unit 1 human lifespan development for the new Health and Social care specification. There are wide range of activities with varying difficulty levels.
Sampling methods

Sampling methods

This lesson includes worksheets for MA, LA and HA. this helps students enhance their understanding of sociological sampling methods.
Research methods

Research methods

3 Resources
This bundle contains lessons on interview and observation along with acronyms revision sheet.
Revision for GCSE Psychology and A level Psychology

Revision for GCSE Psychology and A level Psychology

3 Resources
These resources can be used for A Level students who struggle to structure their 16 marks essays. Acronyms are a great way to remember tricky research methods terms. Moreover, you will benefit from using peer and self assessment criteria worksheet for students presentations.
Observation research methods

Observation research methods

This lesson can be used for GCSE/A Level research methods topic: observation for Sociology and Psychology. There are explicit links to PEE paragraphs and SMSC. There are model answers to support weaker students.