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La cybersociété - articles à discuter - A-level

La cybersociété - articles à discuter - A-level

4 articles about the danger of cybersociety or changes it brings in. Each article is followed by question to prompt discussion. Les moyens de communication privilégiés par les Français pendant leurs vacances Frédéric Beigbeder claque la porte de Facebook Recrutement : les employeurs utilisent Facebook Votre employeur peut-il vous coincer sur Facebook ?
La gastronomie en France - le patrimoine

La gastronomie en France - le patrimoine

Range of articles on gatronomy in France, great for the topic of heritage (patrimoine) for A-level French. La France des records gatronomiques Le “repas gastronomique des Français” inscrit au patrimoine de l’humanité L’obésité a quasiment doublé en trente ans dans le monde Statistiques surpoids Un député veut éloigner les fast-foods des écoles Alli, la pilule qui permet de perdre du poids La campagne française « manger bouger »
La famille en voie de changement - le mariage (A-level)

La famille en voie de changement - le mariage (A-level)

Range of written resources followed by questions to prompt discussion and have students reflect on the context in which gay marriage was legalised in France: Historique du mariage Citations sur le mariage A l’Assemblée, l’UMP repousse le mariage homosexuel Les Français favorables au mariage homosexuel
ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE

ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE

Great online project to do in class time or as homework for student to use all the vocab from “My Town” unit in GCSE. Could be linked with the topic of holiday too. Students have to plan an exchange in France and have to go through a series of 10 questions to build up their project. They can present it to the class, send it online or print it. Excellent for independent learning and cultural knowledge as they have to research information on a French town.
Mon collège - les installations

Mon collège - les installations

Worksheet to build up vocab and sentences through 5 exercises of match up and translation exercises focusing on: 1. vocab of facilities 2. advanced adjectives to describe them 3. what you can do in the facilities using “on peut” + infinitive 4. using higher features to describe the school such as si clause, conditional, conectives, adverbs. The aim is for them to be able to produce a paragraph (or in speaking) on their school.