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Basics of Python: Inputs and Wait code ( linking with Scratch)

Basics of Python: Inputs and Wait code ( linking with Scratch)

Basics of Python: Inputs and Wait code ( linking with Scratch) narrows the gap between block based coding and text-based coding. Many of my pupils did not like the less pictorial or ‘less exciting’ nature of Python. However they wanted to learn Python, so I have begun making links with Scratch. This lesson focuses on inputs ( linking to ask and answer in Scratch) and wait code ( in Python there are many ways to wait but not all are efficient) . This is done through telling jokes (print) and using wait to add to the comedic timing. The pupils should understand ‘print’ prior to this lesson ( I have another resource for ‘print’) The lesson has Smart Notebook presentation, students’ worksheet and teachers’ notes included ( the teachers’ notes also have answers to the children’s worksheet). Main Code credit: https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_func_input.asp https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_conditions.asp https://www.pythoncentral.io/pythons-time-sleep-pause-wait-sleep-stop-your-code/
Social Media and Staying Safe Online

Social Media and Staying Safe Online

Resources for the children to use to develop knowledge of social media, who to trust online and how to behave online. Four levels of differentiation - EYFS (with links to EYFS), KS1, Lower KS2 and upper KS2. I have listed the resources as worksheets, but could be used as an activity - see details on page one of each resource. Feedback would be appreciated as these are only the first drafts.